
Thursday 29 September 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29-9-2022: World Heart Day

29th September, 2022.

I’ve officially got bad news … and good news: and possibly a joke.


I had a podiatrists appointment, yesterday: to see if I qualify for routine podiatric check-ups.

The bad news?

I don’t qualify for the regular check-ups.

The good news?

I don’t qualify for regular check-ups … because my feet are too healthy!


The part that struck me as funny?

Was that the podiatrist who did the exam used a tuning fork — a full on musician’s tuning fork, in C — to check my feet.

If a patient can feel when it’s vibrating, and not vibrating?

It means the nerves in the feet are working.

My nerves are.

When I got home, though, I realised I missed a fantastic opportunity to ask if my feet were flat.

Flat, get it?   Flat … ?

Never mind!


You’ve heard of earworms, haven’t you … ?   Songs that — for whatever reason — start playing their way through you head.

I’ve had a few, over the years.

Now … I know an earworm is a song … but what on Earth do you call the textual equivalent?

A word, phrase or title, that does the same thing?

I have no idea.

But … ?

I’ve got the name of Britain’s worst movie in my head, waving at me.

Sex Lives of the Potato Men.



I have no idea!

But the phrase ‘Sex Lives of the Potato Men’ has been sitting in my head all morning: and I really have no idea why!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        29th September is World Heart Day.   The heart pumps what around the body?

Q2)        The heart is what O: organ, oasis or object?

Q3)        The human heart is in the what: head, neck or chest?

Q4)        How many chambers does the human heart have: two, three or four?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The human heart has four what: valves, screws or nuts?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        28th September, 1867, saw Toronto named as capital of where: Nova Scotia, Ontario or Prince Edward Island?
A1)        Ontario.

Q2)        28th September, 1893, saw the founding of FC Porto.   The club — and the city it’s home to — are in which Iberian country?
A2)        Portugal.

Q3)        28th September, 1066, saw William the Conquer land at Pevensey: at the start of the Norman Conquest of England.   Pevensey is in what’s now which English county: East Sussex, West Sussex or Kent?
A3)        East Sussex.

Q4)        The Ulster Covenant was signed: on 28th September, 1912.   The Covenant protested against a Home Rule bill introduced by the government of where: the UK, USA or Canada?
A4)        The UK.

Q5)        Finally … ?   28th September, 1939, saw Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union agree to split which country’s territory: Poland’s, Hungary’s or Estonia’s?
A5)        Poland’s.
Here’s a thought … 
“My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer.”
Robert Burns.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Someone was lucky, Olga: I don’t think Barking College ever had a student paper!
        At any rate?   I used to live near Shenfield Common: I’d see badgers floating around, when ever I was walking home after work.   They’re beautiful … !

        I’m going to be reviewing it, Debbi: once I get to it!   There’s a few episodes between now, and then!   They even dig up lirpas for it!
        The ward was in the basement: and thankfully easy to get to.   Which is handy to know: I’ve got another podiatric check — that’s not diabetes related! — next Thursday!


  1. Q1) Blood

    Q2) organ

    Q3) chest

    Q4) four

    Q5) valves

    ‘Sex Lives of the Potato Men’. That’s a title that will probably get stuck in my mind now, at least for a while. I think it wants to feature in one of your teasers, but you’ll have to be sneaky about it now that you’ve mentioned it.
    I thought they had to check yearly the feet of anybody with a diabetes diagnosis, no matter how good or bad the feet were, precisely to make sure that there was no deterioration. It is a preventative measure, so if they wait until the feet are already affected, they’ve missed the point of the exercise. Mind you, I’m sure with the pressure on services, things must have changed. Or perhaps the idea will be that the GP or one of the nurses will ask or check, and they will only refer when there is cause for concern.
    Good news, though, as you say.

  2. 1 Blood
    2 Organ
    3 Chest
    4 Four
    5 Valves

  3. Your joke reminds me of a saying.

    Don't be sharp, don't be flat. Just be natural. :) Ha ha ... *groan*

    1. blood
    2. organ
    3. chest
    4. four
    5. valves

    I'll have to look for that awful movie, so I can properly mock it. :)


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