
Saturday 3 September 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd September, 2022

3rd September, 2022.

Arrrggghhh … !

I missed my meeting at the Job Centre, yesterday!

After getting a message from the Job Centre to tell me I’d missed it!

I got my times mixed up: I thought I was due in the afternoon, when the meeting was in the morning!


As soon as I got the email, five minutes after I was due at the Job Centre?

I headed up there.

Which meant I arrived, just after everyone had gone to lunch!

Thankfully?   One of the senior staff was still on duty: and able to update the system to show I’d attended.

And my actual case worker?   Bless him, managed to modify my records: and book up a next appointments.

Which I’d better not miss.



The fact I turned up, combined with the fact it’s the first time I’ve missed a meeting in years?

Been on time for every meeting since 2019?

Means that I’ve hopefully dodged a sanction,


But, given this is the Department of Work and Pensions I’m dealing with?

I don’t know what’s going to happen.

If you could keep your fingers crossed for me, I’d appreciate it!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        3rd September is Merchant Navy Day in the UK.   The UK’s merchant ships fly which flag: the Red Ensign, Green Ensign or Black Ensign?

Q2)        3rd September is the feast day of Saint Marinus.   He’s the patron saint of where: Liechtenstein, Monaco or San Marino?

Q3)        During the US Civil War, 3rd September, 1861, saw a Confederate Army invade where: Kentucky, California or Rhode Island?

Q4)        3rd September, 1939, saw the UK and France declare war on where: Germany, Italy or Japan?

Q5)        Finally … ?   3rd September, 1895 saw John Brallier paid $10: to play for the Latrobe Athletic Association.   In doing do, he became the first professional what: American footballer, baseball player or cricketer?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Battle of Actium took place on 2nd September, 31BC.   It saw Octavian defeat an army led by whom: Mark Antony, Cicero or Pompey?
A1)        Mark Antony.

Q2)        2nd September, 1946, saw an interim government form in a newly nation.   Which nation: Zimbabwe, India or South Africa?
A2)        India.

Q3)        2nd September is the feast day of Agricola of Avignon.   Agricola’s the patron saint of what: pigeons, storks or flamingoes?
A3)        Storks.

Q4)        2nd September, 1929, saw the birth of actor, Victor Spinetti.   He appeared in all three live action films by whom: the Rolling Stones, the Hollies or the Beatles? 
A4)        The Beatles.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Cricketer, Ishant Sharma, was born: on 2nd September, 1988.   He currently plays for whom: the Chennai Superkings, Delhi Capitals or the Gujarat Titans?
A5)        The Delhi Capitals.
Here’s a thought … 
“I never remarried.   When you’ve had the best of it, why fiddle around?”
Kitty Carlisle, September 3, 1910 – April 17, 2007.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        What can I tell you about the meeting, Olga: I made a complete hash of my diary.   I’ve got it booked back in, after heading for the office as soon as I could.   Oh, and phoning the central office, as well.   Hopefully, I won’t get sanctioned!
        I honestly couldn’t tell you, Olga.   I know postal workers have gone on strike: I’m sympathetic, as I know how hard they work.   (Dave the postman’s works every hour he gets.   And my sister, Anna?   Was a postal worker.)
        I also know the government’s consulting on a rent cap: that’ll be of more immediate use to me.

‡        Play fair, Debbi: there was a choice of three Bostons … !   (Apparently?   There’s a Boston Hasidic dynasty: I don’t know if they use the subway, though.)


  1. 1 Red Ensign
    2 San Marino
    3 Kentucky
    4 Germany
    5 American football

  2. Q1) The Red Ensign

    Q2) San Marino (At least this one makes sense).

    Q3) Kentucky

    Q4) Germany

    Q5) American footballer
    Oh, no! What a mess about the meeting! I don't think you could have done anything else, given the circumstances. I hope nothing bad comes out of it for you. Considering how much trouble you've gone to, to keep up with all the meetings, they should be understanding, but I know that's not their strong point. (As is the case in the administration everywhere, it seems, they are very tough on others but not so much on their own mistakes and rarely own to them).
    At least they should have a system of reminders beforehand. If they had sent you a message with the details of the meeting the day before, you would have realised. They tend to do it here with doctor's appointments, but I'm not sure how la oficina de empleo works here. Of course, sometimes you might receive a lot of notifications and others none, so...
    I will keep my fingers crossed nonetheless.
    It seems destiny does not want you to meet your worker...

  3. Well, given that I nearly killed myself on the Boston subway system, it's a miracle I even want to think about them.

    And yet, when I think of Boston, the town of Boston, Texas, springs to mind about as quickly as Paris, Texas. Or Hollywood, Maryland. :)

    1. the Red Ensign
    2. San Marino
    3. Kentucky
    4. Germany
    5. American football player

    Wishing you luck, as always! Fingers crossed for you.


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