
Thursday 13 October 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-10-2022 — The White House.

13th October, 2022.

Yes!   I went shopping, yesterday.

Buying milk, bread, and stuff for a spaghetti sauce.

And … ?

I forgot onions.

And chopped tomatoes, now I think of it: although I’ve a can of those, somewhere.

I’d kick myself.

Except I’d possibly miss.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The first cornerstone of the White House was laid on 13th October.   13th October of which year: 1792, 1793 or 1794? 

Q2)        Who — in 1800 — was the first President to live in the White House: George Washington, John Adams or Thomas Jefferson?

Q3)        The President’s office is in the West Wing of the White House.   What is that office: oblong, oval or octagonal?

Q4)        The Presidential Emergency Operations Centre is under the White House’s what: East Wing, West Wing or Executive Residence?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The White House is at 1600, where: Pennsylvania Avenue, New York Road or Tucson Street?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        12th October is the International Day Against DRM.   DRM, in this case, stands for Digital Rights what?
A1)        Digital Rights Managment.

Q2)        12th October is the feast day of Saint Wilfrid of Ripon.   This particular Ripon is where: North Yorkshire, Oxfordshire or Essex?
A2)        North Yorkshire.

Q3)        12th October is marked as Freethought Day: by freethinkers and secularists.   It was chosen as it marks the effective end of which trials?
A3)        The Salem Witch Trials.

Q4)        12th October, 2001, saw the death of Quintin Hogg: Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone.   He served as Lord Chancellor under two Conservative Prime Ministers.   Margaret Thatcher was one.   Who was the other?
A4)        Edward Heath.

Q5)        Finally … ?   12th October, 539BC, saw Cyrus the Great’s army capture where: Babylon, Damascus or Thebes?
A5)        Babylon.
Here’s a thought … 

“The term ‘White House’ is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers.”
From the Wikipedia article on the White House.

A song …

And an earworm!

The thing’s^ been floating around my head all morning!

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Yeah, I figured North Yorkshire would appeal, Olga.   :D   I’ll try and issue warnings, too: but the six question sets are even rarer than the ten question monsters.   I don’t know if you saw the tweet: but Halloween’s a five question one.   The Japan song I’ll be using is a bit of a clue.
        Yes: I heard about her death.   It’s sad: Murder She Wrote was one hell of a lot of fun.   Did you knew she was in the 1945 version of The Picture of Dorian Grey?   (Oh, thinking someone’s dead, when they’re not, is known as the Mandela effect.   Apparently, it’s called that because people though Nelson Mandela died in prison … and were very surprised when he was released …)

        Possibly an ‘Or What,’ Debbi.   I couldn’t find the trailer on BBC America’s YouTube channel.   Nor on Netflix’s.   Nor on Britbox’s: which is where I think you may find it.   It IS on Pirate Bay … but I know how you feel about going anywhere NEAR it!

^        The band’s Dutch.   That’s why there’s Smurfs in the video.


  1. 1 1792
    2 George Washington
    3 Oval
    4 West Wing
    5 Pennsylvia Ave

  2. Q1) 1792

    Q2) John Adams

    Q3) Oval

    Q4) East Wing

    Q5) Pennsylvania Avenue
    Thanks, Paul. It's always good to have onions and garlic at home. And tomatoes. They always seem to come in handy. (Well, I know some people hate garlic, but life wouldn't be the same without it).
    Yes, they did mention Dorian Grey when they talked about her death. She was so young then!
    I don't think I'd ever heard your earworm for today, but it isn't that bad. (Mine tend to be songs from advertisements, usually for products that no longer exist, so... And sometimes, very old childhood songs, or songs I haven't heard for ages. I guess that's how it works). Good news in the Halloween front.
    The Mandela effect sounds familiar, not that I remembered it until you mentioned it.

  3. Well, this was relatively easy. The last question being easiest. :)

    My grandparents used to live off 16th Street, which leads right up to the square in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

    1. 1792
    2. John Adams
    3. oval
    4. East Wing
    5. Pennsylvania Avenue


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