
Saturday 15 October 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th October, 2022.

15th October, 2022.

Yep: it’s Saturday.

And … ?   It’s another quiet day: with a nicely healthy walk to the High Street.

I’m picking up some diabetes medication.

Gosh … the excitement … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        15th October is Breast Health Day.   Where: Europe, Africa or North America?

Q2)        The America was launched on its first flight: on 15th October, 1910.   What was it: an airship, biplane or jet?

Q3)        Germany introduced the Rentenmark on 15th October, 1923.   The Rentenmark was what: currency, a health service or a traffic code?

Q4)        The From Hell letter was postmarked 15th October, 1888.   Who is claimed to have sent the letter: Queen Victoria, Jack the Ripper, Springheeled Jack or Benjamin Disraeli?

Q5)        Finally … ? The Cassini–Huygens probe was launched: on 15th October, 1997.   What was it’s final destination: Saturn, Uranus or Neptune?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        14th October, 1066, saw the start of the Battle of Hastings.   In other words, the start of the Norman Conquest of where: England, Ireland or Scotland?
A1)        England.

Q2)        The SS Mohegan sank on 14th October, 1898: off of the Lizard Peninsular.   The Peninsular is where: Cornwall, Devon or Wexford?
A2)        Cornwall.

Q3)        14th October is Defenders Day. Where: Belorus, Ukraine or Romania?
A3)        Ukraine.

Q4)        14th October is World Standards Day.   The International Organization for Standardization is also known as what: the ISO, OSI or SIO?
A4)        The ISO.

Q5)        Finally … ?   14th October, 1960, saw the birth of Steve Cram.   He’s one of the UK’s Olympic what: heavyweight boxers, middle distance runners or sprinters?
A5)        Middle distance runner.
Here’s a thought … 
“There is no excuse for letting another generation be as vastly ignorant, or as devoid of understanding and sympathy, as we are ourselves.”
C. P. Snow, 15 October 1905 – 1 July 1980.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Wow … !   That song’s got a rhythm to it, Olga!   And quite a few gear changes, too: between the verses and the chorus.   My feet are tapping, I know that.   I will definitely have to keep my eyes open.
        The quality of the video wasn’t too bad: I’ve seen worse, I know that much.   Some of the vintage Dr Who episodes can be iffy: lens flares, everywhere.
        Kiss Me Deadly sounds good: I’ll have to keep an eye peeled for it.   Although, when I googled for it?   The first thing I got was an ad for a lingerie shop!

        It certainly sounds hopeful, Debbi.   And another book can’t be too bad!   Which reminds me, I should sit down with Count Zero, again!
        House of Cards was great: although Spacey’s downfall didn’t help the last season.
        Wasn’t Sean Young in No Way Out?   I’ve not seen much of her, outside of Bladerunner, and the David Lynch version of Dune.


  1. 1 Europe
    2 Biplane
    3 Currency
    4 Jack the Ripper
    5 Saturn

  2. Q1) Europe

    Q2) an airship

    Q3) A currency

    Q4) Jack the Ripper

    Q5) Saturn
    Those songs are very catchy, for sure, and I quite enjoy them. Not complicated lyrics, but cheerful.
    I hope you enjoy your walk. And yes, I guess Kiss Me Deadly must be a pretty popular name.

  3. Fault with the scoring again. All 3 Ladies put in the same answers but you deducted 2 points from your mum.

    Check answers again.

  4. Yes, she was in that.

    And Kiss Me Deadly is a great movie. With an ... interesting ending. :)

    1. Europe
    2. an airship
    3. currency
    4. Jack the Ripper
    5. Saturn


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