
Monday 3 October 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd October, 2022.

3rd October, 2022.


I’m excited.


Slightly excited … ish.

If that’s a valid set of words in the English language.

At any rate, I’m mildly excited … no, that’s possibly the wrong word.

I’m looking forward to heading into town, today.

I’m picking up my new glasses.

You’re excited, aren’t you … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, OlgaT and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with every scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        3rd October is the feast day of Dionysius the Areopagite.   He’s the patron saint of where: Athens, Corinth or Edessa?

Q2)        Eddie Cochran was born on 3rd October, 1938: and died on 17th April, 1960.   Which 1958 tune was his biggest UK hit: Jeannie, Jeannie, Jeannie, Summertime Blues or C’mon, everybody?

Q3)        3rd October, 1925, saw the birth of US writer, Gore Vidal.   He acted as a script doctor on which 1959 film: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Ben-Hur or Butterfield 8?

Q4)        An hunger strike by IRA prisoners in the Maze was declared over: on 3rd October, 1981.   Strike, and prison, were where: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales?

Q5)        Finally … ?   A coup started on 3rd October, 1963. In which country: Guatemala, Honduras or Panama?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        2nd October, 1960, saw the birth of Jazz musician, Django Bates.   He plays what: piano, theremin or musical saw?
A1)        Piano.

Q2)        Jamal Khashoggi was assassinated in the Saudi consulate in Turkey: on 2nd October, 2018.   He’d worked for which US paper: The Washington Post, The New York Times or Rolling Stone?
A2)        The Washington Post.

Q3)        Alec Issigonis died on 2nd October, 1988.   He designed what: the Ford Prefect, the Mini or the Ford Mustang?
A3)        The Mini.

Q4)        Richard 3rd of England was born on 2nd October, 1452.   He was the last king from which dynasty: the Tudors, Stuarts or Plantagenets?
A4)        Plantagenets.

Q5)        Finally … ?   2nd October, 2022, is the date of the Singapore Grand Prix.   Singapore is one degree north of what: the Tropic of Cancer, the Equator or the Tropic of Capricorn?
A5)        The Equator.
Here’s a thought … 
“Film is pop art.   It’s not whether it’s auteur cinema or not, that’s a false distinction.   Cinema is cinema.”
Denis Villeneuve, born October 3, 1967.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum.   (Can you tell Ruth I’ve sent her a message?   Cheers!)

        Oh, it’s tasteless, Olga … ?   There’s possibly a joke or two, there, but point taken!   I tend to go for brown rice, when I do buy it.   It lasts for quite a while: and brown rice plays better with my general diet.
        Persuading my nephew to eat rice could be an issue, now I think of it.   He usually goes no-where anything that’s not pizza or chicken.   (And won’t have anything on pizza: bar the tomato sauce, and cheese!)
        You know, now I think of it, Jo Brand’s mellowed.   A bit … 

        I certainly try, Debbi!   :D

^        Cheers, Trevor: I got them corrected.


  1. Q1) Athens

    Q2) C’mon, everybody

    Q3) Ben-Hur (It seems that the story behind that is interesting).

    Q4) Northern Ireland

    Q5) Honduras
    Brown rice is a good option. Wild rice is quite good as well, but I think it works out a fair bit more expensive (not that there is anything cheap these days). I hope your nephew grows more adventurous as he gets older, otherwise, life is going to be very bland... (I've loved spicy food since I was very young, and the more the merrier when it comes to mixing thing...)
    Here we have the Cinema Festival where you can get cheaper cinema tickets for a few days, so I'll see if Ican go this afternoon with my mother...

  2. 1 Athens
    2 " Three Steps To Heaven"
    3 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
    4 Northern Island
    5 Guatemala

  3. Well, I'm excited to hear you're getting new glasses. Enjoy! :)

    1. Athens
    2. Summertime Blues
    3. Ben-Hur
    4. Northern Ireland
    5. Honduras


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