
Thursday 6 October 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th October, 2022.

6th October, 2022.

It’s Thursday: and, yes, I’m up, early again.

Yes, you’re right: I’ve another podiatrist’s appointment ay Brentwood Hospital’s Badger Ward.

This one … ?

Is very specifically about my left foot: which is definitely wonky.


We’ll be able to do something about it.


I had an interview, yesterday: by video call.

It went well enough.

Apparently, I’ve got the job: providing I successfully complete an assessment.

One which is due to arrive in my inbox any time up to 13:00, tomorrow.

I’ve also been asked for my NI number and passport.

Which sounds like I’ve been definitely successful.

However?   I’ve asked if I can delay that: until I’ve successfully passed the assessment.

I’d rather guarantee I’ve got the job: before handing over details, prematurely.


Before I forget … ?

I’ve finally managed to catch a movie.

Feel free to like and share the video version … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        6th October, 1908, saw the birth of actress, Carole Lombard.   She played Millie Claudette in which 1928 film: The Divine Sinner, Power or Show Folks?

Q2)        Joe Frazier was born: on 6th October, 1922.   Was he a boxer, baseball player or American footballer?

Q3)        Explorer, Thor Heyerdahl, was born on 6th October, 1914.   His famous 1947 expedition — across the Pacific — was made on a raft called what: Kon-Tiki, Kon-Koction or Kon-Fusion?

Q4)        6th October is the feast day of Saint Faith of Conques.   She’s a patron saint of whom: pilgrims, shepherd or fishermen?

Q5)        Finally … ?   6th October City is where: Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Yemen?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        5th October saw the release of the first James Bond movie.   What was it called: Dr No, Dr Who or Dr In the House?
A1)        Dr No.

Q2)        The film was released in which year of the 1960s?
A2)        1962.

Q3)        Bond was played by Sean Connery.   Who replaced him as Bond, in 1969’s On Her Majesty’s Secret Service: Ian Ogilvy, Roger Moore or George Lazenby?
A3)        George Lazenby.

Q4)        The Bond films were based on a series of novels.   By whom: John Le Carré, John Gresham or Ian Fleming?
A4)        Ian Fleming.

Q5)        Finally … ?   In this first film, James Bond’s boss was played by Bernard Lee.   The character was known as what: L, M or N?
A5)        M.
Here’s a thought … 
“I’ve lived by a man’s code designed to fit a man’s world, yet at the same time, I never forget that a woman’s first job is to choose the right shade of lipstick.”
Carole Lombard, October 6, 1908 – January 16, 1942.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Oh, it was a job and a half, Olga.   Cleaning the kit, afterwards, wasn’t easy, either!   If nothing else, the bowl was enormous.
        Those wood ovens do look good.   But the Pizza Hut I worked at had an industrial pizza cooker.   Basically?   It was like a grill … with a built in conveyor belt.   (I’m sure one of them is in Stranger Things 4: a good chunk of some episodes are in a pizza place!)

        Well … not the real world version, Debbi: it’s some sort of protein drink.   I don’t know what the protein is, now you mention it!

^        I think I caught bits of it on the news, Trevor: apparently, Dame Shirley refused to do the press conference … until she had her cape on!


  1. 1 Show Folks
    2 Boxer
    3 Kon Tiki
    4 Pilgrims
    5 Egypt

  2. Q1) The Divine Sinner

    Q2) A boxer

    Q3) Kon-Tiki (One of my teachers at high school told us about the Kon-Tiki exploits, and I bought and read the book. I am sure it must be somewhere...

    Q4) pilgrims

    Q5) Egypt
    I hadn't heard from Patxi Andión in years! He had such a special voice...
    Good luck with your appointment today. I hope the chiropodist can sort out the problem. And well done on the interview! Fingers crossed on the assessment front. I am sure you won't have any problems, but I know about technical glitches, so sending you positive thoughts.
    I don't think I told you, but I went to the radio station to edit a couple of news on Tuesday and the power went off (not a generalised problem, only affecting a few blocks), so I had to leave it in the editor's capable hands, as it was several hours before it came back (and they had to rush to get the news programme ready).

  3. Good luck with the job search, Paul! :)

    And I, too, have a wonky left foot. But I manage somehow. :)

    Hope yours is better than mine.

    1. The Divine Stranger
    2. boxer
    3. Kon-Tiki
    4. pilgrims
    5. Egypt


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