
Saturday 8 October 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th October 2022 Teaser.

8th October, 2022.

It’s got to be said: I’ve been watching Star Trek Strange New Worlds, over the past few weeks.

It’s very good.


Last night, I thought I should take a break: and catch a movie.


I’ll have my written and video reviews up, tonight.

But must add, this is a very good film!

“Enough is a myth.”
The Priest, Hellraiser 2022.


We’re having an energy crisis.

You’d noticed, hadn’t you … ?

As someone who’s due the four hundred pounds energy rebate?   And the Warm Home Discount?

I’m very aware of it.

I’m also aware every idea about saving energy is appreciated.


I read this article with interest.

It tells us that the UK’s Government had a planned Public Information campaign — full of useful energy saving tips — ready to go.

But that the plan was suspended at the request of the Prime Minister’s office.

The PM’s office feels it’s a bit too nanny-statist.

Ms Truss is on the record as saying “We do have a good supply of energy in the UK.”

Despite the National Grid warning about potential power cuts, and despite the energy regulator issuing similar warnings.

We may ‘know’ what to do to save energy.

But a Government campaign to remind us?

Would be bloody useful.

Frankly?   The Prime Minister’s a bit of a twit.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        8th October is the feast day of Saint Thaïs.   She’s said to be a reformed what: alcoholic, courtesan or drug dealer?

Q2)        8th October.   1939, saw Nazi Germany annex the western part of where: Poland, France or Yugoslavia?

Q3)        Who won the Nobel Prize for Literature, on 8th October, 1970: Samuel Beckett, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn or Pablo Neruda?

Q4)        8th October, 2014, saw Thomas Eric Duncan become the first person in the USA to die of what: the Ebola virus, COVID 19 or Monkey Pox?

Q5)        Finally … ?   8th October, 1929, saw the birth of the only woman to be named as Speaker of the UK’s House of Commons.   Who was she?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        7th October, 1897, saw the both of Elijah Muhammad.   He led which religious movement: the Church of Scientology, the Nation of Islam or the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
A1)        The Nation of Islam.

Q2)        Psychiatrist, Lorna Wing, was born on 7th October, 1928.   She did a lot of research into what: autism, schizo-affective disorder or bipolar disorder?
A2)        Autism.

Q3)        Vladimir Putin was born on 7th October, 1952.   He’s currently president of where?
A3)        Russia.

Q4)        The Luna 3 probe transmitted photos to Earth: on 7th October, 1959.   Of what: the dark side of the moon, Halley’s Comet or Mars?
A4)        The dark side of the moon.

Q5)        Finally … ?   What did the Ford motor company introduce, on 7th October, 1919: the moving assembly line, the Model T Ford or the Edsel?
A5)        The moving assembly line.
Here’s a thought … 
“I’ve done everything in this business from acting and singing to tap dancing, opera and one-man shows.   People can’t understand why I still want to work at my age and I tell them it’s not work. I love it.”
Bill Maynard, 8 October 1928 – 30 March 2018.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        You have to love a Far Side cartoon, don’t you Olga?   I know you don’t see the books as much as you used to: but that’s online shopping for you!
        I’m keeping my fingers crossed on the referral: hopefully, something will come of it.   And the hygienist seemed very knowledgeable.
        It sounds like the station’s got thing under control!   Nice to know.
        Oh … I saw Hellraiser, last night.   Olga, you have got to see this film!   The new version of the box is a hell of a thing.

        Hello, Mum!

        I’m thankful, Debbi: I’ll be upright and mobile!
        Oh, did I mention Hellraiser?   The new version?   It’s fantastic!


  1. Q1) courtesan

    Q2) Poland

    Q3) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    Q4) the Ebola virus

    Q5) Betty Boothroyd
    I'll keep my eyes peeled for Hellraiser then.
    I can see your affection for the new PM is steadily growing... Ja! She's trying to be popular, but I think it's a loss cause. Here, in Catalonia, things are complicated as well. But, where is the surprise?

  2. 1 Courtesan
    2 Poland
    3 Solzhinitzyn
    4 Ebola Virus
    5 Betty Bothroyd

  3. Just had an e-mail from my power supplier telling me that they have just send the first monthly refund to my bank account.

  4. Hey, we've had a twit in charge here, too. One with a distinctly orange tint. :)

    Don't worry. It'll pass. Until the next twit comes along. :)

    1. courtesan
    2. Poland
    3. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    4. Ebola virus
    5. Betty Boothroyd


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