
Friday 4 November 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4th November, 2022.

4th November, 2022.

Yes: I think I can safely say it’s quiet.

It’s a Friday, after all.

But … ?

I woke with an earworm: Luv’s Trojan Horse.

Which immediately turned into Lange’s version of The Name Game: after it occurred to me that the latter stayed in my head for three weeks.


As a result of landing YouTube throwing it at me, post Jessica Lange?

I had Lily Allen complaining about her sex life!

What’s next?

I have no idea.

But at least I’ve had something for everyone!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        4th November, 1970, saw the birth of Luís Figo.   He played football for which national side: Spain, Portugal or Italy?

Q2)        4th November is the feast day or Saint Emeric of where: Austria, Hungary or Czechoslovakia?

Q3)        4th November, 2019, saw the death of presenter, Gay Byrne.   He presented The Late Late Show for which channel: BBC 1, RTE-1 or KTWO-TV?

Q4)        4th November, 2000, saw the birth of Sun Yingsha.   She plays what: table-tennis, tennis or squash?

Q5)        Finally … ? The City and London Railway was opened: on 4th November, 1890.   It’s now part of which London Underground line: the Central, Northern or Waterloo and City, line?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Which car company was founded on 3rd November, 1911: Ford, Chevrolet or GM?
A1)        Chevrolet.

Q2)        Comedian, Dylan Moran, was born on 3rd November, 1971.   He co-wrote, and starred in, which Channel Four series: Father Ted, Black Books or The IT Crowd?
A2)        Black Books.

Q3)        The PBS network was founded in the US: on 3rd November, 1969.   ‘PBS’ stands for Public Broadcasting what?
A3)        Public Broadcasting Service.

Q4)        Dominica became independent from the UK.   On 3rd November of which year of the 1970s?
A4)        1978.

Q5)        Finally … ?   A US Presidential Election took place on 3rd November, 2020.   Who — on 7th November, 2020 — was named as the winner: Joe Biden, Bill Clinton or George W. Bush?
A5)        Joe Biden.
Here’s a thought … 
“I always wanted to be an actress.   Luckily, my mother loved movies and we would go to double features and sit through both films twice.”
Loretta Swit, born November 4, 1937.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Ha!   The phone call never actually happened, Olga.   I’d even made sure I’d given them my number, and the relevant documents^.   I didn’t hear a dickie bird from them.   I’m not especially upset.   But I’m not surprised, either …
        Black Books certainly sounds interesting: I’ll have to try and see some of it!   And have some roast chestnuts: I never had them, or panellets!   Either way, have fun at the event: say Hola to the gang for me!

        Hello, Mum!

        I’m saying nothing about Jammie Dodgers, Debbi!   :D   But the States?   I think, when I started, I was desperately trying to impress my one regular American commentator!   Now … ?   It’s got to the point that — as the first few were ten question sets — the rest will be, too.   It’s … wossname … doo-dah … precedentª!   Ahem!
        There’s a couple I know in the States, called Sean and Laura: they run a games shop in Savannah.   They’ve said exactly the same thing: they started watched Dr Who on PBS.   (Oh, there WAS a Dr Who RPG doing the rounds, back in the day.   It WAS rather good: but I didn’t like its assumption that the Meddling Monk and the Master were the same person.)

^        The agency concerned, Olga, ‘doesn’t accept drivers’ licenses’ as right to work documents: which I believe they’re obliged to.   I think I’m getting mugged off.

ª        There’s a truly awful pun, there, Debbi.


  1. 1 Portugal
    2 Hungary
    3 RTE 1
    4 Table Tennis
    5 Northern line

  2. As I recall, Debbi? There was a bit of an Ant incident at the ’81 Royal Variety Performance

  3. Q1) Portugal

    Q2) Hungary

    Q3) RTE-1

    Q4) table-tennis

    Q5) Northern
    Their loss, Paul. I guess when there is plenty of offer, they think they can do anything. A good time was had by all yesterday, and there was music and dancing as well. Lovely people.
    Fingers crossed more opportunities come knocking soon. Ah, and weirdly enough, Lily Allen always worked for me when I was on a long drive and feeling tired. She always managed to keep me awake and alert!

  4. Oh, wow. I'll have to check that out.

    And look which Doctor is pictured on the RPG! Who else? :)

    1. Portugal
    2. Hungary
    3. RTE-1
    4. table-tennis
    5. the Northern Line

    The wonders of Doctor Who! Love it. :)

  5. Oh, hang on a minute! You're trying to impress moi?

    And here I was just so grateful a blogger in England liked my book! :)

    And also loved Doctor Who!

    Cheers! :)


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