
Tuesday 8 November 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th November, 2022.

8th November, 2022.

Yes, it’s official: I’ve finally caught up with the first episode of classic Dr Who serial, The Abominable Snowmen.

I’ll hopefully have that up, tonight.

Assuming that my nephew manages to make a really short video, when he comes over, this afternoon!


Oh … it’s the 8th November.

You’d noticed, hadn’t you … ?

At any rate?

Those of us on most forms of benefits are eligible for for the two part cost of living payment: and would have received the first payment, earlier this year.

The second half?

Is now due: between today, and the 23rd November.


The sooner it gets to me, the better!


I read 2000AD, when I was young: Britain’s best known comic book was required reading.

Carlos Ezquerra, the man who co-created Judge Dredd, died four years ago: and is much missed.

Today … ?

I’ve learnt that Kevin O’Neill has died.

The man was an artistic icon: he, and his unique style, will be much missed!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        8th November is World Urbanism Day.   Towns and cities are urban.   Residential areas outside a town are suburbs.   The countryside … is which ‘R’?

Q2)        The Gospel Riots took place in Athens: on 8th November, 1901.   The riots were triggered by a translation of the Gospels into what: Greek, Italian or Mandarin?

Q3)        The Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965 received Royal Assent: on 8th November, 1965.   The last people executed in the UK were executed, how: by hanging, lethal injection or electrocution?

Q4)        The 41st President of the USA was elected to office: on 8th November, 1988.   Who was that president?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Christiaan Barnard was born on 8th November, 1922.   He was known for performing the first human-to-human what: heart transplant, lung transplant or blood transfusion?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Dean Stockwell died: on 7th November, 2021.   He played Rear Admiral Albert ‘Al’ Calavicci in which SF series: Enterprise, Battlestar Galactica or Quantum Leap?
A1)        Quantum Leap.
Q2)        7th November is Hungarian what Day: Hungarian Wine Day, Hungarian Opera Day or Hungarian Cheese Day?
A2)        Hungarian Opera Day.
Q3)        7th November is International Inuit Day.   Inuit in Greenland are technically citizens of where: Canada, Denmark or Zambia?
A3)        Denmark.

Q4)        7th November is the feast day of Saint Willibrord.   He’s a patron saint of where: Luxembourg, Spain or Estonia?
A4)        Luxembourg.

Q5)        Finally … ? Lev Davidovich Bronstein was born on 7th November, 1879 of the Julian calendar.   He was better known how: Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin or Leon Trotsky?
A5)        Leon Trotsky. (He’s mention in the first verse of this.   Whatever happened to those heroes?   Or that keyboard riff, now I think of it … ?)
Here’s a thought … 
“This mountain, I thought, was like education: The higher you climbed, the farther you could see.”
Christiaan Barnard, 8 November 1922 – 2 September 2001.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s  Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        It didn’t, Olga^.   I switched over to the BBC News, once I posted yesterday’s post.   By lunchtime, they were reporting that Just Stop Oil protestors had blockaded the M25, again.   What’s more?   They’re at it again, today.   I’m … well, I’m saying nothing ….  (You’re right, of course: non-violent protest can do wonders.   I don’t know what the Mahatma, or Doctor King, would’ve made of this lot, though.)
        Thandiwe’s name change was a couple of years ago, now: I know I had to alter my Westworld posts to reflect it.   She, and Jeffrey Wright are the best things in it.
        Trotsky’s killer was from Barcelona?!   I learn something new, every day!

        Hello, Mum!

        As far as I know, Debbi?   Greenland and Iceland are both very independent parts of other countries: Greenland’s part of Denmark, and Iceland’s part of Norway.   I think they’ve both got separate parliaments from their respective mainlands, though.   (I think Iceland’s got its own sagas, national epics, as well.)
        Oh, did I mention I caught the first episode of The Abominable Snowmen, last night?   It’s quite something.   The changes you can see when characters go from shaded to sunny areas is marvellous.

^        Did I tell you, Olga, that Chris Rea’s The Road to Hell was about a traffic jam on the M25?   That ‘Stood still on a highway,’ opening line seems VERY relevant …


  1. Q1) Rural

    Q2) Greek

    Q3) By hanging

    Q4) George H. W. Bush (Bush Dad)

    Q5) heart transplant
    Yes, of course. There are causes and causes when it comes to demonstrations and cutting roads or affecting public transport. Here, the lorry drivers are threatening to go on strike and block the big roads again. The problem there being not only the blocked roads, but the fact that they don't transport foods (for people or animals) or any other supplies required by factories or anybody else (medications, etc.) We have the port here, so there are always big ships coming and bringing all kinds of goods (people too, of course), but they get stuck there if the big lorries are not working either. So, added to the increase in price, animals end up dying or being sacrificed because of lack of food... Let's hope they reach an agreement, although I agree with them, as well. Fuel has gone up so much that, even with the reduction the Spanish government applied, they end up running at a loss. It doesn't affect those driving lorries for others, but the owners of the lorries...
    I've been checking Mastodon. Many people say it is quite complicated, as you have to choose a specific channel (not sure channel is what they call it, network, perhaps?) to join, and it seemed searching there is quite complicated. Others say is a bit like Linux, so you might like it. To tell you the truth, I am fed up with all the changes to everything, the paying for everything, and the nastiness, so if Twitter ends up becoming a bigger pain than it is worth, I'll just leave and that is it. Other than saying hello to you all and sharing a few book reviews and post by others, I don't use it for very much, so...

  2. 1 Rural
    2 Greek
    3 Hanging
    4 Ronald Reagan
    5 Heart Transplant

  3. I remember you mentioning the M25 when we made our trip over there. We never did get to Harrogate. We were too busy seeing London! :)

    1. rural
    2. Greek
    3. by hanging
    4. George H.W. Bush
    5. heart transplant


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