
Sunday 25 December 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-12-2022 — Christmas Day.

25th December, 2022: Christmas Day.

It’s official: it’s Christmas Day.

And Sunday.


I’ll be doing what I usually do: and spending it with my family.

Oh, and opening presents.

And watching others open presents.

Despite the fact some of them are in birthday cards, rather than Xmas cards?

I’m hoping they go down well.

At any rate … ?

And whatever I’m doing?

I hope you get things you need.

That isn’t necessarily the same as things you want.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Trevor And Debbi scoring five out of five, Olga on four and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Some of which are less serious than others!

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        25th December is Christmas Day: for those of us using the Gregorian Calendar.   If we using the Julian Calendar, it’s on which date: 7th January, 8th January or 9th January?

Q2)        According the the old joke, the alphabet is shorter at Christmas.   Because it has no what?

Q3)        In the UK, many will have pigs in blankets at Christmas dinner.   Pigs in blankets are sausages wrapped in what: ham, bacon or turkey?

Q4)        Yule is an old term for the time of year.   Versions of it were first used, where: Northern Europe, Southern Africa or Arabia?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The traditional songs sung at Christmas are whose: Carol’s, Jenny’s or Edna’s?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        24th December is Christmas Eve. In the Bible, Eve is the first woman. Who’s the first man?
A1)        Adam.

Q2)        In cryptology, Eve is a what?
A2)        An eavesdropper.   (I’m also told it can describe the environment an encrypted message travels through: which, to be fair, I didn’t know.   However, the answer I was after was eavesdropper: as it was a Christmas Eve set.)

Q3)        What’s the computer game: Eve Online, Eve Offline or Eve Battle Royale?
A3)        Eve Online.

Q4)        Eve is a 1972 single by whom: Peter Capaldi, Lewis Capaldi or Jim Capaldi?
A4)        Jim Capaldi.

Q5)        Finally … ?   There’s a language called Ewe: that’s also called Eve.   It’s spoken where: West Africa, East Europe or North America?
A5)        West Africa.
Here’s a greeting … 

“Happy Christmas!”

And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a very happy Christmas!

*        Happy Christmas, Trevor: don’t over do the turkey.
        I think you might appreciate The Amazing Maurice: just in case you haven’t seen it!

        I actually managed to catch Glass Onion on Friday, Olga: it’s quite a piece of work, I know that.   This one’s a high tech version of Murder in the Dark: with a ton of cameos!   As a pointless bit of trivia?   Some are describing Edward Norton’s character as a take on Elon Musk: but I got thinking of Steve Jobs.   It’s had a dual release, in the UK: it’s on Netflix and at some cinemas.
        As for presents?   Hopefully, they’ll go down well: we’ll have to see.
        Have a very good day: Feliz navidad!   (Don’t overdo dinner!)

        Hello, Mum: see you later!

^        I’ll try and avoid them, Debbi: just don’t go near the review until after you’ve seen it!   (Oh, I’ve just recognised the logo on Dave Baurtista’s t-shirt: it’s for a web browser called Brave.   Oh, And Edward Norton’s character has a reality distortion field … )


  1. 1 Jan 7th
    2 No L
    3 Bacon
    4 Northern Europe
    5 Carols

  2. Q1) 7th January (My Egyptian friend, Iman, who belongs to the Coptic Church, used to celebrate on the 7th, although she has now adopted the Gregorian calendar dates, as she lived first in the UK and now in France).

    Q2) No “L” (I don’t remember having ever heard that one, but I must have, I imagine).

    Q3) Bacon

    Q4) Northern Europe

    Q5) Carol’s
    Thanks, Paul. Have a beautiful one as well. Not drinking alcohol, and as a non-meat eater, I can still stuff myself, but it doesn't tend to be quite as heavy or with such an aftermath. Good luck with the presents. (I did buy something for my mother, but we don't usually exchange presents on this day specifically. Here, the old tradition is on the 6th of January, but most kids tend to get things now on both days. Well, el Caga Tió (el Tió de Nadal) is beaten up for presents on Christmas Eve, but that tends to be pretty small things, sweets... Not big presents. I think you've already seen it, but just in case.

  3. Turkey? I am not going any where that country this year. I am roasting a large Duck. I am also roasting some potatoes, steaming some carrots, having some home made spicy red cabbage and sprouts fried with garlic and chopped up bacon. If there is room after all that I have some rum flavoured mince pies for afters. There is a bottle of bubbly chilling in the fridge.

  4. Can't wait to see this Glass Onion movie. Sounds interesting.

    1. 7th January
    2. L *groan*!
    3. bacon
    4. Northern Europe
    5. Carol's (with an apostrophe?) Hmm ... :)

    Cheers and Merry Christmas!


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