
Wednesday 8 February 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th February 2023.

8th February, 2023.

Yes: it’s official.

I managed to buy a replacement set of blinds, yesterday: as well as host my nephew, Jude.

Chicken strips, potato wedges and a video were the order of the day.

If someone could hit the Like button — or teach Grandma how to share it from YouTube — he’d appreciate it.

At any rate, I mentioned the blinds … ?

I bought some, yesterday: but I’m going to have to take it back.

There’s a couple of plastic rings on Wilko’s-brand blinds: that are supposed to be near the bottom of the string pulleys that let you operate the thing.

The ones on this?   Are jammed up against the top.

And preventing the blinds from dropping.


Back up Warley Hill I go: if I can’t get it replaced, I’d like my money back.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The first film to be screened at the White House had its theatrical debut on 8th February, 1915.   Which D. W. Griffith film was it: Judith of Bethulia, The Birth of a Nation or A Day with Governor Whitman?

Q2)        8th February, 1952, saw who proclaimed as the UK’s monarch?

Q3)        The Provisional People’s Committee of North Korea was established on 8th February, 1946.   The country it ran is now called the Democratic People’s what of Korea?

Q4)        The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations was founded on 8th February, 1971.   It’s better known was what: Lloyds of London, the New York Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ Stock Market?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Writer, John Ruskin, was born on 8th February, 1819.   His book, Modern Painters, saw him write positively about whom: Turner, Shelley or Byron?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        7th February, 1900, saw Wong Chut King fall ill.   With which condition: Typhus, Gonorrhoea or Bubonic Plague?
A1)        Bubonic Plague.

Q2)        The man fell ill, in which city: Los Angeles, San Francisco or Menlo Park?
A2)        San Francisco.

Q3)        Wong Chut King fell ill in part of the city?
A3)        Chinatown.

Q4)        According to the Wikipedia article about this plague, it was what: an epidemic, and epidural or an episode?
A4)        An epidemic.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The disease is caused by a what: bacterium or virus?
A5)        Bacterium.
Here’s a thought …
“My entire delight was in observing without being myself noticed — if I could have been invisible, all the better.”
John Ruskin, 8 February 1819 – 20 January 1900.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Yeah: I think things like blinds are made with interchangeable parts, and to standards sizes, Olga.   That way, we can put them up anywhere.   It’s only if you’ve got a house that’s a few centuries old you’d need custom sizes.
        Outside of my abilities with a screwdriver?   The parts that needed changing on the new blinds was the string pulley: which had broken on the original.   (I couldn’t get the little rings on the new one to move, either!)
        Oh, did I mention this revival?   I think Camilla Cleese would be the replacement for Sybil or Polly: unless she’s just producing.   How that will work, I don’t know.

        Hello, Mum!

‡        That he is, Debbi^.   Oh, Good Omens 2 is pencilled in for summer, this year, on Amazon Prime.   (Did you get to see the original series?   And did I mention John Cleese is set to revive Fawlty Towers?   I’m not too sure how I feel about that … )

^        Are we talking about the Jack Nicholson Chinatown, Debbi?   I honestly couldn’t get into it!


  1. 1 The Birth of a Nation.
    2 Queen Elizabeth 2nd
    3 Republic
    4 NASDAQ
    5 Turner

  2. Funny yesterday's question set was 5 questions but every one is credited with getting 10 out of 10 right. Some one cannot count.

  3. Q1) The Birth of a Nation

    Q2) Elizabeth II

    Q3) Republic

    Q4) NASDAQ Stock Market

    Q5) Turner (Not sure if Shelley or Byron did much painting, but they seem to have had time for plenty of things in their relatively short lives, so...)

    I wonder if the rings being stuck at the top won’t be a safety setting to allow for easy transportation, but I’m sure you will have thought of that and tried to see if there was an easy way to sort it out. It would be good if straightforward things at some point were really straightforward, wouldn’t it?
    I'm not sure about the new Fawlty Towers either. Strangely enough, considering how much people remember it and how fondly, there were very few episodes made.

  4. Really? Interesting. I took to Chinatown from the moment I saw it. :)

    As for Fawlty Towers, hmm ... another reboot? :)

    1. The Birth of a Nation
    2. Queen Elizabeth II
    3. Republic
    4. the NASDAQ Stock Market
    5. Turner


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