
Thursday 9 February 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9th February 2023.

9th February, 2023.

Right … It’s Thursday.

And it’s a day that I’m expecting to be quiet.

Well … 

Barring a phone call from a physio-therapist.

Here’s hoping that goes well: especially given there’s one exercise I’m finding tough!


There’s a Tory MP called Lee Anderson: who’s just been named as Deputy Chair of Britain’s Conservative Party.

Staring a row with a BBC Nottingham presenter in the meantime.

Before being named to the role on Tuesday?

He gave an interview with The Spectator magazine: and came out in support of capital punishment.

The death sentence, in other words.

Apparently?   It’s “100% effective.”

As?   “Nobody has ever committed a crime after being executed.”

He says some will oppose it, on the grounds that their cases cannot be proved, one way or the other.

That modern phone cameras will capture a lot of evidence.

He also tells us “I don’t want to pay for these people.”

Which is fair enough.

But?   Speaking personally?

My own — limited — understanding how capital punishment in the US works, tell me prisoners on death row appeal, and appeal, and appeal the appeal if it goes against them.

And keep appealing until the very end.

And do so on the US equivalent of Legal Aid.

Making it cheaper to keep them alive.

I can only hope that — if that’s the case — that someone can point this out to Mr Anderson.

He’s a Tory: their supposed to like keeping public spending down.


Just as a last point … ?

I caught the first episode of Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities, last night.

I’m not going to be given it the review treatment.   I’ve enough on my plate already.

But … ?   It could well be worth your while: Lot 36 is an impressive opener.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        9th February is the feast day of Saint Apollonia.   She’s the patron Saint of whom: midwives, dentists or opticians?

Q2)        Falstaff debuted at La Scala: on 9th February, 1893.   It was which composer’s last opera: Puccini’s, Verdi’s or Debussy’s?

Q3)        The Soyuz 17 craft returned to Earth: on 9th February, 1975.   Where had it been: Solaris, Mars or the Salyut 4 space station?

Q4)        William Johnson was born on 9th February, 1960.   He’s better known as which member of Frankie Goes to Hollywood?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Carmen Miranda was born on 9th February, 1909.   Where: Portugal, Brazil or Spain?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The first film to be screened at the White House had its theatrical debut on 8th February, 1915.   Which D. W. Griffith film was it: Judith of Bethulia, The Birth of a Nation or A Day with Governor Whitman?
A1)        The controversial The Birth of a Nation. (It’s supposed to have been incredibly accomplished: and introduced close-ups and fade outs. I’m still not sure I’d want to see it, even given that: it lionises the Klan, and makes villains of African-Americans.)

Q2)        8th February, 1952, saw who proclaimed as the UK’s monarch?
A2)        Elizabeth 2nd.

Q3)        The Provisional People’s Committee of North Korea was established on 8th February, 1946.   The country it ran is now called the Democratic People’s what of Korea?
A3)        The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Q4)        The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations was founded on 8th February, 1971.   It’s better known was what: Lloyds of London, the New York Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ Stock Market?
A4)        The NASDAQ Stock Market.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Writer, John Ruskin, was born on 8th February, 1819.   His book, Modern Painters, saw him write positively about whom: Turner, Shelley or Byron?
A5)        J. M. W. Turner.
Here’s a thought … 
“I remember being asked do you think we should shoot in black and white or in color.   And I said black and white without any hesitation.”
Joe Pesci, born February 9, 1943.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        I’ve had a few blinds from the same shop over the years, Olga.   Most of them have those rings.   As far as I can fell, they’re supposed to stop the pulleys being dragged into the mechanism: they’re brakes, in other words.
        In theory?   I could’ve unraveled the knot that was holding them in place, but there was no give in them: the knots were too tight.
        I know: both Fawlty Towers — and The Young Ones, my generation’s equivalent — lasted for 12 episodes over two series.   And still get watched!   (The iPlayer version of The Young Ones is censored.   I’m mildly scandalised: it’s supposed to offend people!)

        What can I tell you, Debbi?   It’s different strokes for different folks!
        Yep: another reboot.   I’m none too sure how well it could work.
        But I’m convinced Star Trek: The Next Generation set up the modern TV industry.   Dr Who — along side the Law and Order, and NCIS, franchises — only got rebooted because people saw that TNG, and its spin-offs, worked!

^        Cheers, Trevor, I got it corrected.   (I’m blaming the time: I was up early for a weight management meeting.)


  1. Q1) dentists

    Q2) Verdi’s

    Q3) the Salyut 4 space station

    Q4) The lead vocalist

    Q5) Portugal
    Good luck with the meeting and I hope the blinds issue gets sorted.

  2. 1 Dentists
    2 Verdi
    3 Soluyt 4 Space Station
    4 Holly Johnson
    5 Portugal

  3. Doctor Who is just sheer genius in concept. :)

    1. dentists
    2. Verdi's
    3. the Salyut 4 space station
    4. Holly Johnson
    5. Portugal


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