
Wednesday 12 April 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12th April 2023.

12th April, 2023.

Right … it’s now Wednesday.

And … ?

I’ve officially managed to get in touch with the court: and confirmed that the recent Tribunal decision has gone my way.

I’ve ALSO been in touch with the DWP’s help line: apparently, I’m due a call from a case manager, today.

The sooner that happens?   The sooner any financial help comes through … ?

The happier I’ll be.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        12th April, 1947, saw the birth of the author of 1987’s Patriot Games.   Who was that author?

Q2)        According to the United Nations, 12th April is the International Day of human what: Space Flight, Communications or Arts?

Q3)        It’s also known as who’s night: Piotr’s Night, Yuri’s Night or Sergei’s Night?

Q4)        Dr Salk’s vaccine was declared safe: on 12th April, 1955.   The vaccine was a vaccine against what: Polio, diabetes or malaria?

Q5)        Finally … ?   12th April is the feast day of Saint Zeno of Verona.   Where is Verona: France, Italy or Croatia?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        11th April, 1976, saw the initial release of the Apple 1 computer.   Did it come with a case?
A1)        No. (A few people built their own.)

Q2)        11th April is World Parkinson’s Day.   Parkinson’s Disease is a condition of the what: nervous system, bone marrow or red blood cells?
A2)        Nervous system.

Q3)        William 3rd and Mary 2nd, were crowned as joint sovereigns: on 11th April, 1689.   Mary was the daughter of which British king: James 1st, James 2nd or Charles 3rd?
A3)        James 2nd.

Q4)        Buchenwald Concentration Camp was liberated: on 11th April, 1945.   By which country’s army: America’s, Russia’s or Britain’s?
A4)        America’s.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Tel Aviv was founded: on 11th April, 1909.   In which Middle Eastern country … ?
A5)        Israel.
Here’s a thought … 
“I spent seven years without working, so if they’re making cop movies, I’ll play cops.   I got two kids to bring up.”
Andy Garcia, born April 12, 1956.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Very true, Debbi!   Saying that … ?   Mr Biden’s said he’s brought his wife and son along, for the proverbial craic.   That’s going to offend a few Unionists, I think … !


  1. 1 Tom Clancy
    2 Space Flight
    3 Yuris night
    4 Polio
    5 Italy

  2. Oh, dear. In what way is it offensive to Unionists? I'm blissfully unaware of these things.

    1. Tom Clancy
    2. Space Flight (Human Space Flight, actually)
    3. Yuri's Night
    4. polio
    5. Italy

  3. Oh! I just watched the video! :) Funny!

  4. Good news! Sorry, I got home in the early afternoon, but I've been trying to catch up on a few things. I hope to join the teaser tomorrow, although after a night of not sleeping much and a break that was anything but restful, it might take me a while to catch up.
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