
Sunday 30 April 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30th April 2023.

30th April, 2023.

Right … it’s Sunday.

And, beyond editing some videos?

I’m fully expecting the day to be … you know … 


Especially after getting some teatowels — and a blu-ray — delivered.

The blu-ray’s currently being ripped, the unused teatowels are in a drawer … and the new, collapsible, colanders are in place.

Heigh ho!


I’m in the UK: which you’d possibly worked out, if you’ve been following me for a while.

And, of course, the news is — if not exactly full of it — then certainly giving a mention to the upcoming Coronation of King Charles 3rd.

I’m thinking watching it could be good: it’s not like they happen every day of the week.

There’s more news, over the past couple of days.

Apparently?   We’re going to be asked to swear allegiance* to the King.

I hope that’s optional.

I’d hate to have it back-fire on me!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        30th April is International Jazz Day.   Which pianist is heavily involved with the day: Elton John, Jerry Lee Lewis or Herbie Hancock?

Q2)        30th April is the feast day of Saint Adjutor.   He’s a patron saint of who: swimmers, runners or dog-walkers?

Q3)        The Vietnam War ended on 30th April, 1975.   When which side surrendered: North Vietnam or South Vietnam?

Q4)        Emily Carey was born on 30th April, 2003.   She plays a young version of Diana Prince, in which 2017 film?

Q5)        Finally … ?   30th April, 1789, saw who inaugurated as the first President of the USA?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Prince William got married to Catherine Middleton on 29th April, 2011.   The pair are the current Prince and Princess of where?
A1)        Wales.

Q2)        29th April, 1958, saw the birth of actress, Michelle Pfeiffer.   Which villain did she play in Batman Returns?
A2)        Catwoman. (Meow)

Q3)        29th April, 1913, saw a version of what, patented: the zip, the button or the drawstring?
A3)        The zip.

Q4)        Minamoto no Mitsunaka was born on 29th April, AD912.   He was a what: samurai, ninja or peasant?
A4)        A samurai.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Andre Russell, was born on 29th April, 1988.   He plays international cricket for whom: the West Indies, England or Australia?
A5)        The West Indies.
Here’s a thought …
“We can’t deter people fleeing for their lives.   They will come.   The choice we have is how well we manage their arrival, and how humanely.”
António Guterres, 30 April 1949.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I’m getting mental images of the Illinois Nazis … !

        I can only hope the weather evens out, Olga!
        Towels!   Bath towels!   Dratted bath towels!   I knew there was something I forgot!   I’m just glad Sainsbury’s Nectar app has a shopping list feature!

        Hello, Mum!

§        Doesn’t it just, Debbi?   It was all about something that called itself Time Control.   It was something like the Time Agency that gets a mention in Dr Who, or The History Monks in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels: a police body that stopped people fiddling with history.   As I recall, the main character was a trawler skipper recruited, just before his ship sank.   On of the villains was Martin Borman, the Nazi who went missing after the war.   He’d infiltrated Time Control!


  1. Q1) Herbie Hancock

    Q2) swimmers (And drowning victims. That seems a bit counter-intuitive, but that seems to often be the case with saints.)

    Q3) South Vietnam

    Q4) Wonder Woman

    Q5) George Washington
    Not sure if you’ve heard about Bruce Springsteen starting his European tour, here, in Barcelona. Steven Spielberg and his wife, and Obama and his wife, came to see him as well, and the three wives (Bruce’s also) sang the choruses for “Glory Days”, on Friday evening. They’ve also been visiting museums, going for meals... It seems they are having a great time. Tonight he plays again and then, he moves on.
    Oh, it finally rained in the evening and at night, and it might rain again tonight. The rain here, in the city, doesn't solve much (although I'm sure the trees and the hills and wooded areas around will profit from it), but I hope it carries on and it rains in the fields and rural areas, because last year was bad already, and farmers are having a hard time, and that means food goes up, and we all have a bad time.
    Yes, towels! They must not be very original, as presents, but I've found that most people are grateful and they are always useful.

  2. 1 Herbie Hancock
    2 Swimmers
    3 St Vietnam
    4 Wonder woman
    5 George Washington

  3. Hmm. Sounds complicated. :)

    1. Herbie Hancock
    2. swimmers
    3. South Vietnam
    4. Wonder Woman
    5. George Washington


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