
Monday 1 May 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-5-2023 — The Month of May.

1st May, 2023.

It’s officially official: it’s a Bank holiday Monday.


And, barring watching the snooker final, and editing some videos?

I’m fully expecting to be bored!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        1st May is the first day of May.   How many days are there in May?

Q2)        The Eta Aquariids appear in May.   What is or are the Eta Aquariids: comets, a meteor shower or a black hole?

Q3)        May is which month of the year: the fourth, fifth or sixth?

Q4)        In Roman Catholicism, May is dedicated to who: Jesus, Mary, Joseph or the Pope?

Q5)        Finally … ?   May is said to be named after Maia.   Maia is a goddess from Ancient where: Greece, Roman or Egypt?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        30th April is International Jazz Day.   Which pianist is heavily involved with the day: Elton John, Jerry Lee Lewis or Herbie Hancock^?
A1)        Herbie Hancock.

Q2)        30th April is the feast day of Saint Adjutor.   He’s a patron saint of who: swimmers, runners or dog-walkers?
A2)        Swimmers.

Q3)        The Vietnam War ended on 30th April, 1975.   When which side surrendered: North Vietnam or South Vietnam?
A3)        South Vietnam.

Q4)        Emily Carey was born on 30th April, 2003.   She plays a young version of Diana Prince, in which 2017 film?
A4)        Wonder Woman.

Q5)        Finally … ?   30th April, 1789, saw who inaugurated as the first President of the USA?
A5)        George Washington.
Here’s a thought … 
“May is a month of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.”
From the Wikipedia entry about May.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Swimming and drowning people, Olga?   I think most saints are like most gods: they get believers where they find them!
        I didn’t hear about the gig … but Obama and company’s restaurant visit made the news.   Apparently, the former president is friendly with a Spanish American celebrity chef, who’d suggested the place.   And, apparently, it’s Springsteen … complete with the E Street band.   It’s probably worth going, just for them, they have a very good reputation.
        Towels!   I knew there was something … !

        Hello, Mum!

        It possibly makes more sense if you read it, Debbi.   Finding reprinted versions of the story is well nigh impossible.
        Unless it’s Bill Nighy impossible§ … 

§        I’m here all week, Debbi.

^        Cue the music … 


  1. Q1) 31

    Q2) a meteor shower

    Q3) The fifth

    Q4) Mary

    Q5) Greece
    Yes, I think the restaurant was recommended. I was checking the menu, and it doesn't look bad. Also, not the most expensive (although not cheap, by any stretch of the imagination). It seems his wife stayed another day and they went to visit another restaurant (and the Picasso Museum, well-worth a visit). That restaurant's owner is Jordi Cruz, a chef with 3 Michelin stars, and who is one of the judges in the Spanish version of Masterchef. I walk past that restaurant every time I go to Jordi's for his lessons, so I should go by tomorrow morning. That one is quite expensive. (Famously, it seems that Bill Gates went by, and the owner decided to close the restaurant for him, and he just had a Diet Coke and left... Not that Gates had asked him to close the restaurant for him, though, so I guess...)
    I hope the day is not too boring, but I know you always finds ways to keep yourself busy. Bank holiday here as well, but we went out to the city centre to visit the Cathedral, with my mother, and, believe me, we are not alone here...

  2. 1 31days
    2 Meteor shower
    3 5th
    4 Mary
    5 Greek

  3. I remember that video! :)

    1. 31
    2. a meteor shower
    3. fifth
    4. Mary
    5. Greece


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