
Wednesday 10 May 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th May 2023.

10th April, 2023.

Yes: it’s official.

It’s Wednesday: and, therefore, the day after Tuesday.

The day after my nephew, Jude came over: and made a video.

Feel free to hit Like, folks.

Oh, and you can follow Mikey, on Twitter, here.

Go on, you know you want to!


I’ve got to confess, I’ve got type two diabetes.

So, of course, I tend to notice when it’s mentioned in the news.

It has been, all morning: as the BBC’s been reporting that some seven thousand deaths from complications from diabetes … can be laid at the doors of poor treatment.

I’m concerned: of course I am.

I’d hate to have a foot off*, if it’s preventable.

But … ?

I can see nothing I can do: bar living as healthily as possible.

And being patient.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Mum‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        According to the United Nations, 10th May is the International Day of Argania.   The Argan is a desert what: tree, fox or mouse?

Q2)        More to the point, it’s commonly found where: south-western Morocco, northwestern France or east Colorado?

Q3)        Betamax tapes were released on 10th May, 1975.   Where: Japan, the USA or Nigeria?

Q4)        10th May is the feast day of Saint John of Ávila.   He’s a patron saint of where: Andalusia, Catalonia or Galicia?

Q5)        10th May, 2022 saw the Queen not attend the UK’s State Opening of Parliament.   Who read the Queen’s Speech in her place?

Q6)        Finally … ?   The first director of what’s now the FBI was appointed on 10th May, 1924.   Who was that director?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        9th May is one of the feast day of Saint Pachomius the Great.   He’s traditionally depicted, crossing the Nile on the back of a what: crocodile, gharial or caiman?
A1)        Crocodile.

Q2)        9th May is Liberation day on two of the Channel Islands.   Which two: Jersey and Alderney, Guernsey and Alderney or Jersey and Guernsey?
A2)        Jersey and Guernsey.

Q3)        9th May, 1901, saw what open in the Australian city of Melbourne: its national parliament, its US Embassy or its Federal Court?
A3)        Its national parliament.   (It’s now in Canberra.)

Q4)        9th May, 1988, saw the formal opening of New Parliament House.   Where: Australia, Brazil or Canada?
A4)        Australia.

Q5)        Finally … ?   President Joe Biden signed the 2020 Lend Lease Act into US law: on 9th May, 2022.   The act guaranteed US aid for where: Japan, South Korea or Ukraine?
A5)        Ukraine: indeed, the act’s full title is the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022.
Here’s a thought … 
“When I finish with a project, I say ‘all right, that’s that. What’s next?’”
Fred Astaire, May 10, 1899 – June 22, 1987.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Which reminds me: I need to get some more foot cream.   And latex gloves.   My feet have various shades of thick skin: and applying a medicated cream is helpful.   Doing so means that — if something like a small stone, or a cut, damages my feet — I can feel it earlier, do something about it, earlier, and prevent long term damage, quicker.   That’s important, as type two diabetes can damage the nerves in your film.
        The cream in question seems to help … but applying it, barehanded?   Means washing your hands for a good ten minutes.   The stuff, sticks!

        I think you forgot the actual link, there, Olga§: at least, I couldn’t find it!   If it’s any help?   You can use the HTML ‘a’ tag in the comments box.   That’s usually VERY helpful!
        But I’m not surprised the Mayor’s in a lot of pictures.   The one thing I have noticed, over the years, is that politicians like being in photos.   When they’re flattering photos.
        You’re right about the currency, there, Olga: keeping it neutral would be an idea, and save some cash.   If I recall … ?   Scottish notes don’t, I know that.

        Hello, Mum!

§        I was sorely tempted to use the Tetris tune in the review, Olga.   But changed my mind.   I wasn’t sure if I’d end up with a strike.   The folk song it’s based on will have to do!


  1. 1 Tree
    2 Morocco
    3 Japan
    4 Andalusia
    5 Prince Charles (The King )
    6 J Edgar Hoover

  2. Q1) Tree

    Q2) south-western Morocco

    Q3) Japan

    Q4) Andalusia (Although Ávila is nowhere near Andalucía, but there you go. Nobody is a prophet… and all that)

    Q5) Prince Charles

    Q6) J. Edgar Hoover
    Sorry about the link. I shared it with a few people, so it might have slipped my mind. Here it is.
    You are right about the foot cream. We interviewed one of the associations there, Diabetes Zero, and I hope they get some people coming along and getting good information.

  3. Been busy trying to recover all my files and get used to a new computer.

    And not panicking. :)

    1. tree
    2. southwestern Morocco
    3. Japan
    4. Andalusia
    5. Prince Charles
    6. J. Edgar Hoover


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