
Saturday 13 May 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th May 2023

13th May, 2023.


I have earworm, again!

And, yes: it’s the Bangles’ ‘Going Down to Liverpool’, again.


Well, it’s a good tune … 

But it’s possibly the fact the BBC’s news channel hasn’t shut up about tonight’s Eurovision grand final … 

In Liverpool … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Raising a Flag over the Reichstag was first published on 13th May, 1945.   It showed that the Soviet Army had reached where: Berlin, Munich or Cologne?
Q2)        13th May is the Feast Day of Saint Servatius of Tongeren.   Tongeren is a diocese in what’s now where: Belgium, France or Germany?

Q3)        13th May, 1972, saw a car bomb go off.   In which UK city: Belfast, London or Glasgow?

Q4)        13th May, 1830, saw the birth of Zebulon Baird Vance.   Vance was the 37th Governor of where: North Carolina, South Carolina or West Virgina?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Ásgeir Ásgeirsson was born on 13th May, 1894.   He was the second president of where: Denmark, Iceland or Greenland?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Singer-songwriter, Burt Bacharach was born on 12th May.   Of which year of the 1920s?
A1)        1928.

Q2)        He co-wrote many songs for whom: Dionne Warwick, Janis Joplin or Captain Beefheart?
A2)        Dionne Warwick.

Q3)        He co-wrote many songs with which lyricist: Tim Rice, Hal David or Bernie Taupin?
A3)        Hal David.

Q4)        Bacharach produced at least two songs on What You See Is What You Sweat.   What You See Is What You Sweat was the thirty-third studio album by whom: Dionne Warwick, Metallica or Aretha Franklin?
A4)        Aretha Franklin.

Q5)        Finally … ?   He was an arranger and conducted for which German singer?
A5)        Marlene Dietrich.
Here’s a quote …
“The universe did not invent justice.   Man did.   Unfortunately, man must reside in the universe.”
From He Who Shapes by Roger Zelazny, May 13, 1937 – June 14, 1995.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        I think we’ve tracked down the problem, Olga: Debbi’s hard drive’s gone!   In theory, it’s simple to repair§ … but it’s not something I’d be able to do on an iMac.   (If you’ve a laptop with an old fashioned mechanical hard drive, and the drive starts clicking?   That means it’s going home!)
        You’re right: Blanca’s not as extreme as Chanel.   But I think I disagree, that Chanel would be hard to out do.   This year’s Finnish entry is … um … very neon!

        Yep, I thought it would be that, Debbi§.   Like I said to Olga, it’s an easy job … in theory¶!   But not one I’d be able to do on an iMac!   It was a lot easier on my MacPro.   The drive’s in a tray you could slide out.
        Thank heavens you’ve managed to salvage stuff, as well!   That’s about my only problem, should things go pear–shaped: I’ve got everything backed up to Time Machine, but very little offsite back up.   (I’ve only got 50gb of iCloud storage: but at least that’s cheap!)

§        I’m assuming you’ve got the machine at an Apple Store for repairs, Debbi, is that correct?   You may want to see if they can replace the hard drive with a solid state drive: the latter are supposed to be less prone to failure.   It you get a new computer, it will also come with an SSD, rather than a HDD.

        You replace the drive, and restore it from Time Machine.   That’s easier said than done!


  1. Q1) Berlin

    Q2) Belgium

    Q3) Belfast

    Q4) North Carolina

    Q5) Iceland
    Yes, I see. My cousin replaced the hard drive on my old computer with an SSD and it was easy to do, but then, he works with computers and the machine was a PC. (I have the old hard drive, as we replaced it only because it would be faster that way, not because there was any problem with it, and, just in case, I removed it when I took my old computer to the recycling place, as I thought it might be handy to keep it, and that wasn't difficult at all. (If I could do it, it couldn't have been). But yes, it was a PC, so I think things are easier there.

  2. 1 Berlin
    2 Belgium
    3 Belfast
    4 South Carolina
    5 Iceland

  3. Yes, that's my next task. Setting up my new external HD to backup through Time Machine. Am I saying that right? :)

    My shoulder is a chronic problem now, because dystonia never lets up. So I now have a deformed hand and a sore shoulder. All the time.

    Yeah, it's ... to put it in Johnny's words, "No fun." lol

    I'm thinking the next step is a visit to a neurotherapist. This is a new thing. Apparently, some physical therapists are training to have a better understanding of the brain and nervous system.

    Now, me fingers are all worn out. Ha!

    1. Berlin
    2. Belgium
    3. Belfast
    4. North Carolina
    5. Iceland

    I was on a webinar about marketing the other day. The speaker mentioned how awesome it was to do signings in coffee shops.

    In the chat, I wrote: "I did a book signing once at a Cafe Nero in Brentwood, England."

    If only I'd hit Waterstone's, eh? :) Tesco? :)

    Funny thing was the speaker was an author from Scotland. I almost asked her if she knew anything about that Tardis in Glasgow! :)


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