
Sunday 14 May 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-5-2023 — Israel

14th May, 2023: Israel.

Right … it’s official.

Eurovision is now over for another year: and Sweden have won.

The competition will probably be in Oslo, next year.

Just in time for the thirty-fifth anniversary of Abba’s Eurovision win.

Not that I’m suspicious … but that’s one HELL of a co-incidence … … … … … 


One thing I DO know … ?

Is that the completion opened with a trailer: for the upcoming Dr Who specials, in the autumn.

We know know these will air in the autumn, and their titles;
  1. The Star Beast.
  2. Wild Blue Yonder.
  3. The Giggle.

I’m looking forward to them: especially as The Star Beast is a reworked version of an old tale!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Israel declared itself independent on 14th May.   Of which year of the 1940s?

Q2)        Independence was declared by David Ben-Gurion.   He later served as Israel’s first what: President, King or Prime Minister?

Q3)        Israel has an official language, and a recognised language.   What’s Israel’s one official language: Hebrew, Yiddish or English?

Q4)        Israel has an official language, and a recognised language.   What’s Israel’s one recognised language: Hebrew, Arabic or Aramaic?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Israel’s west coast is on which sea?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Raising a Flag over the Reichstag was first published on 13th May, 1945.   It showed that the Soviet Army had reached where: Berlin, Munich or Cologne?
A1)        Berlin.

Q2)        13th May is the Feast Day of Saint Servatius of Tongeren.   Tongeren is a diocese in what’s now where: Belgium, France or Germany?
A2)        Belgium.

Q3)        13th May, 1972, saw a car bomb go off. In which UK city: Belfast, London or Glasgow?
A3)        Belfast.

Q4)        13th May, 1830, saw the birth of Zebulon Baird Vance.   Vance was the 37th Governor of where: North Carolina, South Carolina or West Virgina?
A4)        North Carolina.   (The man was considered comparatively progressive for the time.   Wikipedia tells us he owned slaves, is — in modern terms — a racist, and was said to have been a senior member of the Ku Klux Klan.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Ásgeir Ásgeirsson was born on 13th May, 1894.   He was the second president of where: Denmark, Iceland or Greenland?
A5)        Iceland.
Here’s a thought … 
“Israel and the Israeli-occupied territories are part of the Abrahamic faith tradition’s Holy Land, an area where, in the Iron Age, Canaanite and later Israelite civilisation emerged.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Israel.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I don’t know if I’d have the patience — or the knowledge — to be able to do what your cousin did, Olga.   But if you DO need to access the old drive?   You can get things call docks — and caddies, as well — that let you use old drives with a computer.   I used one for years, as extra storage.   You just plug the drive into the dock, and connect the dock to a computer with USB.
        You’re possibly right about some of the difference between PCs and Macs.   Most PCs are like cars: there’s a couple of neighbours who can change a spark plug/hard drive for you.   Most Macs are like fridges.   The most technical thing we do is take some thing out of them.

        Hello, Mum!

        I’m surprised you haven’t done it, already, Debbi!   But I know how busy you are: and how difficult the arm is.
        But yes: that’s about right!   Oh … did I mention what they call the 3-2-1 back up rule, at any point?   We’re supposed to keep three back ups of stuff, on two types of storage, and one off site back up.   Best I can do is Time Machine and some bits on iCloud!
        Now … did I mention the trailer?


  1. Q1) 1948

    Q2) Prime Minister

    Q3) Hebrew, Yiddish or English?

    Q4) Arabic

    Q5) The Mediterranean Sea
    Oh, I regularly use the old hard drive as storage, with no problems at all. That is much larger (memory wise) than the one I removed from my old computer myself, so I haven't touched that one. I just didn't want to leave it on the computer, first, because it was fine, and then, because I'm never sure what information can be extracted from them even when one tries to wipe it clean.
    My cousin only seems to have patience for computer-related things, not for anything else, but, I guess that's something. To tell you the truth, if I'm trying to get his attention (as he doesn't always reply to e-mails otherwise), I try to find something vaguely technical that might interest him. That way at least I know he's still alive.
    Oh, it did rain eventually, but they carried on with the performance although in the place they use for training. Not quite as spectacular, but, here I leave you links to their own sites. They are els Castellers de Sants (human castles) and they celebrate their 30th anniversary. There are much older groups (collas, in Catalan) but they aren't bad.
    Here you can see the women's castle (most groups are mixt these days, but it is great to see a castle made by women all the way)
    It is particularly important to complete it but also to manage to undo it as well, without anybody falling off.
    Here you can see all of the castells they made (there was another colla from Sitges. They did well as well, although they didn't bring that many people). Here, check the whole post...

  2. 1 1948
    2 Prime Minister
    3 Hebrew
    4 Arabic
    5 Mediterean

  3. I'm familiar with the rule and observe it slightly in the breach.

    I do backups with Time Machine and an offsite provider. And I'm still recovering, in more ways than one. :)

    1. 1948
    2. Prime Minister
    3. Hebrew
    4. Arabic
    5. the Red Sea

    I've been through loads of PT and OT. The last occupational therapist I went to created a splint just for me. My dystonia is so intense and relentless, the splint broke. Even though I only wore it at night, while sleeping. Um ... :)


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Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.

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