
Tuesday 30 May 2023

The Mandalorian — Series 3 Episode 1 — Chapter 17 The Apostate — A Review

29th May, 2023: Chapter 17 — “The Apostate.”

Right now … ?

It’s a Monday night: or, at least, something of a sunny Monday evening.

When I could be taking a nice healthy walk in the sunshine.

I’ve done that, already.


I’m going to have dinner, then watch TV!

Frankly, I’ve not caught up with an old TV friend, and want to start watching season three of The Mandalorian.

Then release my review of the first episode, The Apostate*, tomorrow night.

This is — as the saying has it — the way!

30th May, 2023.

Episode 1 — Chapter 17: ‘The Apostate’ — opens with with a summary of the show’s second season.

And reminds us that Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) — the Mandalorian of the show’s title — is now considered an apostate by his fellow Mandalorians.

Post-summary?   The scenes shifts, to show us a youngster being inducted into the Mandalorian way by the Armourer (Emily Swallow): and helped by the Mandalorian, himself, when the ceremony is interrupted by a vicious sea-creature.

In the wake of this?

The Mandalorian meets once more with the Armourer: who confirms that, yes, he IS still considered an exile from his people.

But … ?

Djarin reminds the Armourer he could redeem himself: if he can bath in the living waters under the Mines of Mandalore.

The Armourer points out that the Mines have been destroyed.

But, as Djarin asks?

If he goes there, and comes back with evidence?

His exile would be lifted.

As the Armourer, herself, says?

“This is the way …” 


Now … what did I make of this episode?

What did I think?   Feel?   What have you?

First things first, one thing I’ve loved about The Mandalorian, over the past couple of years?

Is its simple brevity!

The older I get, the less patient I get with long drama!

Just as an example?   The Mandalorian’s second series averages out at some forty, very well paced, minutes per episode.

At a guess?   Maybe ten minutes shorter than an episode of Star Trek Picard: and a lot shorter than some episodes of Stranger Things.

Both serials are superb: but can be a little long.

This first episode of The Mandalorian?

Came in at just over thirty-six minutes.

And told a LOT of story in that time: as well at introducing us to a bunch of new characters.

Including a pirate called Vane, and his boss: the Pirate King called Dorian Shard.

I could easily be wrong, here but get the impression these two could be recurring characters.

I hope so.   Shard looks like a fun, old school, villain: and Vane looks menacing.

It also sets up a couple of possible plot threads.

Djarin’s quest for redemption, a possible defence of Nevarro … 

And whatever the Mandalorian leader, Bo-Katan Kryze (Katie Sackhoff) has planned.


Series three looks like it’s going to be good.

“The Apostate”.


Now … as a last thought … ?

I’m writing this on Tuesday, 30th May, 2023: having watched the episode, last night.

Which means?

I’ll be watching the next episode — “The Mines of Mandalore,” — next week: on Monday, 5th June.

I’ll have my written and video reviews up by the 6th.

Feel free to head over to YouTube and subscribe to my channel.

If you’re not following the Teasers?

I’ll see you next week.


*        An apostate is someone who rejects a religion: or — these days — a political belief, or social movement.

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