
Tuesday 13 June 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th June 2023.

13th June, 2023.

It’s Tuesday.

Which you knew.

And … ?

I’m up early: for the second day in a row!

I’ve a hospital appointment in Basildon, today: to discuss my ever-so-functional left leg.



I’m also jobhunting: you’d possibly guessed.

So I’m used to getting messages about potential jobs.

I got one, last night: from someone calling themselves Grace, claiming to be from Morgan Hunt, and from a +63 area code.

At just gone 8pm.

Morgan Hunt are legit: and have offices all over the UK.

But — after a brief conversation? — I decided to block the number, and delete the chat.

A WhatsApp message, at that time of night?

From what turned out to be a Filipino phone number?

It just seemed a bit suspicious …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        A capsule from the Hayabusa landed on Earth: on 13th June, 2010.   The Hayabusa craft had been launched by which country: Japan, China or South Korea?

Q2)        Writer, Dorothy L. Sayers, was born: on 13th June, 1893.   What did the ‘L’ stand for: Leigh, Louise or Lorraine?

Q3)        Drummer, Uriel Jones, was born on 13th June, 1934.   Jones was a drummer for the Funk Brothers: the house band for which US record label?

Q4)        13th June is Inventors Day.   Where: Brazil, Hungary or Thailand?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Actress, Ally Sheedy was born on 13th June, 1962.   She played Stephanie Speck, in which 80s movie: St. Elmo’s Fire, Short Circuit or Heart of Dixie?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        12th June saw the release of Raiders of the Lost Ark.   In which year of the 1980s?
A1)        1981.

Q2)        Who played the film’s hero: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford or Rutger Hauer?
A2)        Harrison Ford.

Q3)        Who IS that character?
A3)        Professor Henry Walton Jones, Jr: normally known as Indiana Jones, or just Indy.

Q4)        Raiders of the Lost Ark was directed by whom: Steven Spielberg, George Lucas or John Walters?
A4)        Steven Spielberg.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The film’s most recent sequel is released in the US at the end of June, this year.    What’s it called?
Here’s a thought … 

And songs … ones where Uriel Jones played drums … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        They went well enough, Olga.   Although the walk up Warley Hill doesn’t get any easier!   But at least I could nip into the GP’s, to organise a sharps box!
        Those TV shows sounds like a very good idea: the the standard accent has changed over the years.   Yes, it would be the King’s English … but the term I always use is RP, or Received Pronunciation.    Yes Minister, and Yes Prime Minister, would be good choices, I think.   Some of the older Doctor Who’s could, as well: but I know that’s an acquired taste!
        Oh, When the Boat Comes In could be one to avoid.   I don’t I’ve got the hang of north-east English dialect, myself!

        Hello, Mum!

        Glad I could help, Debbi!   Oh, the next big one’s on Thursday: it’s about Arkansas.   (That’s a mystery.   Arkansas’s pronounced are-can-SAW.   Kansas is can-SUS.   What IS going on, there?)


  1. Q1) Japan

    Q2) Leigh

    Q3) Motown

    Q4) Hungary

    Q5) Short Circuit
    Thanks, Paul. I'm taking notes, and I checked a few of the episodes yesterday. I might try with one of the short videos first, a snippet of it, and see how we do with that. I hope the visit today helps. The mother of my Egyptian friend, Iman, (the one I went to Alexandria with a couple of months ago), passed away last week. Sad news but it was expected.

  2. 1 Japan
    2 Leigh
    3 Motown
    4 Hungary
    5 Short Circuit

  3. Kinda weird, yes. :)

    1. Japan
    2. Leigh
    3. Motown
    4. Hungary
    5. Short Circuit


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