
Saturday 9 September 2023

Good Omens Series 2 Episode 3 — “I Know Where I’m Going” — A Review

8th September, 2023: the intro.

Right … I’m writing this on Friday.

And, if you’re in my part of the UK … ?

You’re as aware as I am, that it’s damn hot!

Hot enough to make cooking dinner decidedly uncomfortable.


I can only hope that it cools down at some point over the next few days.

Blistering hot summers aren’t supposed to last into September!


At any rate … ?

I’m writing this on Friday, 8th September: whilst dinner’s doing.


Once that’s done, a video about Judge Dredd commented on, and washing up out of the way … ?

I’ll be posting my reviews of “I Know Where I’m Going”: and find out exactly what that title means!

Back, tomorrow … 


9th September, 2023: “I Know Where I’m Going”.

Episode 3 — “I Know Where I’m Going” opens with with a shot of Gabriel (John Hamm) in his rooms at Aziraphale’s shop: thoroughly enjoying a drink before he starts the day.

Over the road at Nina’s coffee shop?

At least one customer notices two things.

Nina (Nina Sosanya), herself, is seriously out of sorts.

And that there’s someone in a very strange policewoman’s uniform, heading for Aziraphale’s book shop*.

That (pretend) police woman … ?

Is the junior angel, Muriel (Quelin Sepulveda): sent to spy on Aziraphale (Michael Sheen).

Who quietly manages to persuade Crowley (David Tennant) to do something for him.

One?   Loan Aziraphale the car.

Two … ?   Mind the shop for a few days.

Aziraphale wants to go travelling.


Now … what did I make of all this, then?   Of “I Know Where I’m Going”?

What did I think?   Know … ?

First things first, shall we?

Muriel, the angel that visits Aziraphale’s bookshop?

Is a rather obscure angel: who — in at least one bit of Christian mythology — is seen as an angel that runs hell.

Oh, and apparently first gets mentioned in the Book of Job: played by Peter Davison in “The Clue”.

There’s other things that crop up in the episode.

The main thing that caught my eye?

Woven into “I Know Where I’m Going” is another minisode: called “The Resurrectionists”.

One that tells us a short story: of a visit Crowley and Aziraphale made to Edinburgh, during the late 1820s … where there find a pair of body snatchers plying their trade.

The one thing I did like there?

The fact that the word ‘resurrectionists’ is used accurately: it was a term for the body snatchers who’d supply doctors and anatomists with fresh corpses.

There was only so many legally available corpses, back then.

The only legally obtainable bodies?   Were in the prisons that carried out hangings: a prisoner’s body was given to anatomists for experiment.

It was considered an extra deterrent, as well as a way of keeping physicians supplied.

A childhood fascination with Burke and Hare can be very instructional.

On top of that … ?

On top of that, “The Resurrectionists” section includes a (brief) discussion between Aziraphale and Crowley, where Aziraphale tells Crowley that:

Humans can only be truly holy if they also get the chance to be wicked.

Elspeth, the body snatcher in “I Know Where I’m Going”, is truly wicked, as she’s not chosen any other option.

Which Crowley argues is nonsense: it only works if everyone gets the same chances.

Aziraphale’s answer?

Is that that’s where it works for that poor: they get more opportunities.

“That’s lunatic,” says Crowley.

“No,” replies Aziraphale, “that’s ineffable!”

I could possibly go on: but I’d possibly need a theologian.

My point … ?

Is simply this: that those words were lifted directly from the original Pratchett/Gaiman novel.

Page 41 of my 1993 reprinted version.

Speaking as someone concerned that the source material would be forgotten?

I really needn’t have worried: seeing this scene reassures me that at least one of the shows producers — Neil Gaiman — knows what he’s doing: as he co-wrote the original novel.


On other fronts … ?

On other fronts, there is possibly a pile of other things to add.

Not that I want to do the rest of the cast down, here … but Tennant managed at least two different accents during this episode: the English one he uses for Crowley — and his version of Dr Who — and at least one Scottish accent.

I was impressed with the way the man switched from one to another, to what sounded like a third.

At any rate, David Tennant did a great job: as did Michael Sheen.

There’s possibly sarcastic comments about Sheen channeling Derek Nimmo … but frankly?

I don’t think anyone else could’ve been cast as the show’s angelic being: the character’s arc is in very safe hands, here.

Yes: this show has a very good ensemble cast.


Its two leads have been carrying the show, effortlessly.


There’s possibly more.

Possibly more than I’ve spotted!

Butt, as a minor question for Terry Pratchett fans?

Is Aziraphale’s bookshop connected to L-space*?

The mystical pocket dimension that Pratchett invented, that connects collections of books to other collections of books?

I don’t know … but it’s something I think I’d appreciate knowing.

Another question?

Has anyone noticed Crowley’s numberplate?   On the Bentley?   The one that spells ‘curtain’, backwards?

What on Earth is that all about?

I don’t know that, either!

I am sure there’s possibly a lot I’ve missed.

But … ?

I am still enchanted by Good Omens series 2.


Does that mean I’ll be watching another episode?

The fourth one?

“The Hitchhiker”?

Of course it does!

I’ll be watching that fourth episode of Good Omens next week: on Friday, 15th September.

I’ll be posting my written and video reviews of it on Saturday, 16th September.

I would love it if you joined me!

I’ll see you then!
“I Know Where I’m Going”.

*        It goes like this.   Books hold a lot of knowledge.   Knowledge equals power.   Power equals energy.   Energy — through Einstein’s well known equation — equals mass.   Enough mass distorts space.   Bookshops and libraries are very genteel black holes that know how to read.)

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