
Saturday 23 September 2023

Good Omens Series 2 Episode 5 — “The Ball” — A Review

22nd September, 2023: The Intro.

It’s Friday: and … ?

I officially live in a ground floor flat.

And have just seen three — count them, three — whole police vans go past.

Police Technical Support vans, so you know.

Quite what’s happening at the other ens of my street?

I think I’d rather not know!


At any rate … ?

It’s Friday night.

Which means?

Well, as ever, it’s fish and chips for dinner!

Next … ?

I’ll be watching the next episode of Good Omens: then telling you about it, tomorrow.

Assuming we’ve not been arrested.


23rd September, 2023: “The Ball”.

Episode 5 — “The Ball” opens not with a summary of earlier episodes … but with Shax (Miranda Richardson), determinedly walking the corridors of hell, heading for the office of Furfur (Reece Sheersmith).

Shax … ?   Needs to arrange an invasion: and needs a little help from Furfur.

Meanwhile … ?

In Whickbar Street, Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) is persuading, cajoling, and outright bribing, his fellow traders: into coming along to the monthly Whickbar Street traders meeting.

He has the reluctant help of Crowley (David Tennant): and assorted preparations.

Frankly?   Aziraphale’s planning not a meeting: but a dance.

What he doesn’t realise?

Is that Hell has plans … 


Now … 

What did I make of this episode?

Of “The Ball”?

It has to be said: I miss something!

At least three episodes — “The Hitchhiker”, “I Know Where I’m Going” and “The Clue” — have all had what the show’s producers call a minisode, a mini-story, incorporated into them: something the main part of the episode then expands on.

“The Hitchhiker”, for example, tells us about zombie Nazis: revived, in order to chase Aziraphale.

Those, I felt, added a certain something: a certain amount of heft that enriched each of the relevant episodes.

By contrast, “The Ball” didn’t have a built-in minisode: something I felt weakened it.

It lacked a little punch, I think.

Saying that … ?

Saying that, “The Ball” is a very good episode, in and of itself.
  • The acting — unsurprisingly, given this cast — is great: Richardson as Shax, in particular.
  • Gaiman and Finnemore’s writing is superb.
  • The production, itself, is great: especially as it’s built around a minimum of sets and locations.
And … ?

Inevitably, there’s a nod to the late Terry Pratchett: in the shape of Mrs Sandwich, played by Donna Preston.

She’s a seamstress.

No, not someone who sews for a living!

If you’ve not read Pratchett’s Men at Arms?

You’ll not know that Ankh Morpork, chief city of Pratchett’s Discworld setting, has nine hundred and eighty-seven women who identify as seamstresses.

And two needles.

Mrs Sandwich doesn’t exactly do sewing, lets put it that way.


Sir Terry uses the term ‘seamstress’ constantly, in his Discworld novels: as a euphemism for ‘prostitute’.

It’s something that — as far as I know — stems back to at least Victorian times: or, at least, to the late 1880s.

And it’s something I’ve been aware of for a long time: along side the old phrase, ‘house of ill repute’, as a description of a brothel.

(The one that’s supposed to be in Brentwood?   Isn’t a house of ill-repute.   On the contrary, it’s quite well spoken of … !)


At any rate … ?

Seeing an old Discworld joke?

For me, was like seeing an old friend at a slightly strange party.

Extremely familiar: and very reassuring.

As reassuring as seeing other familiar signposts in the earlier episodes of this season.

Yes: I, found the lack of a lack of a minisode something of a down.

But yes: this episode is reassuringly good.


I’m going to be back, next week, to watch the last episode of the series.

I’ll be watching the last episode of Good Omens — “Every Day” — on Friday, 29th September: and posting my written and video reviews of it on Saturday, 30th September

I will, hopefully, see you then.

Take care!
“The Ball”.

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