
Tuesday 31 October 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-10-2023 — Spookin’ Nevada

31st October, 2023: Spookin’ Nevada!

Right … 

It’s officially official: I’ve had my COVID 19 vaccination.

And went all the way to Shenfield for it.

It is, effectively, the closest place to my front door.

To be honest?

I got there an hour late: but, thankfully, the chemist was happy to oblige me.



Oh … tomorrow is the 1st November: you’d guessed.

You’re also aware — if you’re a Dr Who fan in the UK — that all of the classic series, bar one story, is going to start showing on the BBC’s iPlayer Service.

From tomorrow.

There’s more!

It seems a spin off — Tales From The Tardis — is also going to air on the service.

And the franchise will be released under the ‘Whoniverse’ banner.

People are going to be busy!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day saw Trevor§ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Normally, I’d do a Halloween themed question set, today.

But, just to be different … ?   And to offer a change of pace?

We have questions about Nevada, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Nevada joined the USA on 31st of October.   Of which year of the 1860s?

Q2)        It’s known as the what state: gold state, silver state or diamond state?

Q3)        What’s Nevada’s capital: Carson City, Las Vegas or Yerington?

Q4)        By population, what’s Nevada’s largest city: Carson City, Las Vegas or Yerington

Q5)        Nevada has sixteen counties, and one independently run city.   What is that city?

Q6)        What — notoriously — is legal in Nevada: prostitution, smoking in public or heroin?

Q7)        The Cal Neva Lodge and Casino straddles the border between Nevada.   And where: California, Oregon or Idaho?

Q8)        According to Wikipedia, Nevada has fourteen what per resident: hotel rooms, blackjack tables or bars?

Q9)        Star City, Tenable and Unionville are Nevadan what: mining towns, ghost towns or railway junctions?

Q10)        Finally … ?   The Nevada National Security Site is in Nevada.   What did the US government test, there: nuclear weapons, chemical weapons or biological weapons?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        30th October, 1957, saw the UK’s House of Lord admit whom: female members, male members or members under 18?
A1)        Female members.

Q2)        The Treaty of Vienna was signed on 30th October, 1864.   It saw which country concede territory: Denmark, Finland or Norway?
A2)        Denmark.

Q3)        President Eisenhower approved the NSC 162/2 policy paper: on 30th October, 1953.   It allowed the US to keep whet: nuclear weapons, chemical weapons or biological weapons?
A3)        Nuclear weapons.   (This was guaranteed to be eye catching, after seeing Threads.)

Q4)        The first member of the EU to recognise the State of Palestine, did so on 30th October, 2014.   Which EU state was it?
A4)        Sweden.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Arthur Scherbius was born on 30th October, 1878.   He invented what: the Arithmometer mechanical computer, the Enigma cipher machine or the pump action harmonica pistol?
A5)        The Enigma.

Here’s a motto …

“All for Our Country”.
Nevada’s Motto.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        They both went well enough, Olga: although the weight’s up, a little.   I really need to lay off the crisps!
        They stopped airing Call My Bluff in 2004: which is a shame.   Some of the younger comics would do well, I think!

        That’s possibly a bonus, Debbi … !   (I hope the answers are manageable, Debbi!   The next ten question set’s on the 8th, if that’s any reassurance.)

§        I went for the one over the road from Shenfield Station, Trevor: that worked out nearer, for me.


  1. Q1) 1864

    Q2) Silver state

    Q3) Carson City

    Q4) Las Vegas

    Q5) Carson City

    Q6) prostitution

    Q7) California

    Q8) hotel rooms

    Q9) Ghost towns

    Q10) nuclear weapons
    I hope you enjoy Halloween. I'm going to the theatre with my mother this evening. Not a very Halloweeny offering, but they've promised rusted chestnuts, so we shall see.
    About the weight and the crisps... I was reading an article on time restricted eating for weight loss (intermittent fasting by another name) and it seems it helps even people with diabetes, although the timing of the medication sometimes needs to be altered. I don't have breakfast, and I am sure that having less time to eat helps. (Once you start eating it is more difficult to stop. Until you start, you're OK). I am a savoury person, so I understand. Not that I don't like sweets, but I find it easier to not eat them or eat only a little, while salty... Not so easy.

  2. The televised celebrations for the Doctor Who 69th start on BBC4 on 1st November.
    First program is “Talking Doctor Who” with David Tennant talking about the early classical Doctor Whoo programmes. That is on BBC4 at 19.30.
    1 hour later same channel is “Doctor Who @60: A musical celebration”.
    That is a 1 ½ concert recorded in Cardiff.

    I shall be watching both programs.

  3. 1 1864
    2 Silver
    3 Carson City
    4 Las Vegas
    5 Carson City
    6 Prostitution
    7 California
    8 Hotel Rooms
    9 Ghost Towns
    10 Nuclear Weapon tests

  4. 69th, Trevor … ?

    That’s in 2032 …

  5. Wow! Great photos of the old cast. :)

    1. 1864
    2. silver state
    3. Carson City
    4. Las Vegas
    5. Carson City
    6. prostitution
    7. California
    8. hotel rooms
    9. mining towns
    10. nuclear weapons


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