
Wednesday 1 November 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1st November 2023.

1st November, 2023.

Right … it’s the 1st November.


The BBC’s introduced it’s new ‘Whoniverse’ branding.

Which is nice.

And … ?

Has its Tales of the TARDIS spin-off up and ready to go, on the iPlayer.

Quite what’s happening with international, or blu-ray, releases, I don’t know.

I also can’t see them on sites like Pirate Bay: and am wondering when or if they’ll show up, there.


In slightly more personal news … ?

I’m due one last pair of spectacles, today.

I’m — assuming I’ve got the diary entry, right! — due to pick them up, today … 

Hopefully?   They’ll fit!


Finally … ?

The BBC were reporting on a site — that it did not name* — that promoted suicide, and openly discussed methods for, committing suicide.

The BBC news pages now tell us that two internet service providers — Sky, and TalkTalk — have now blocked the site: customers just need to leave the standard filters on.

I think that’s a good thing.

But I’ve noticed a couple of things.


My ISP, BT?   Don’t seem to have blocked the site: I can get through to it, in my default browser.


I can also get through to it, using TorBrowser: the one browser I know of that can get around all sorts of restrictions.

I can’t help but wonder how effective such blockages are … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Olga and Mum scoring ten out of ten, and Debbi on nine.

The day saw Trevor¶ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        In a non-leap year, 1st November is the 305th day of the year.   Is 305 a prime number?

Q2)        Lennox–Gastaut Syndrome Awareness Day is on 1st November.   The condition is a rare form of childhood onset what: dementia, epilepsy or leprosy?

Q3)        1st November is World Vegan Day.   Veganism is a form of what: vegetarianism, abstinence from alcohol or choral singing?

Q4)        1st November is National Brush Day, in the USA.   What ARE you supposed to brush: your hair, your teeth or your carpet?

Q5)        Finally … ?   1st November, 1898, saw the birth of singer, Sippie Wallace.   She was known as the Texas … what?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Nevada joined the USA on 31st of October.   Of which year of the 1860s?
A1)        1864.

Q2)        It’s known as the what state: gold state, silver state or diamond state?
A2)        The silver state.

Q3)        What’s Nevada’s capital: Carson City, Las Vegas or Yerington?
A3)        Carson City.

Q4)        By population, what’s Nevada’s largest city: Carson City, Las Vegas or Yerington
A4)        Las Vegas.

Q5)        Nevada has sixteen counties, and one independently run city.   What is that city?
A5)        Carson City.

Q6)        What — notoriously — is legal in Nevada: prostitution, smoking in public or heroin?
A6)        Prostitution.   (But only in a licensed brothel, in a county that’s voted in favour of it.)

Q7)        The Cal Neva Lodge and Casino straddles the border between Nevada.   And where: California, Oregon or Idaho?
A7)        California.   (If I’ve understood it?   The place was built with the bars in the Californian half, and the casino in the Nevadan half.   At the time, California had very liberal drinking hours, but had criminalised gambling.   But Nevada had fairly restrictive drinking laws/hours: but legalised gambling and prostitution.)

Q8)        According to Wikipedia, Nevada has fourteen what per resident: hotel rooms, blackjack tables or bars?
A8)        Hotel rooms.

Q9)        Star City, Tenable and Unionville are Nevadan what: mining towns, ghost towns or railway junctions?
A9)        Ghost towns.

Q10)        Finally … ?   The Nevada National Security Site is in Nevada.   What did the US government test, there: nuclear weapons, chemical weapons or biological weapons?
A10)        Nuclear weapons.

Here’s a thought …
“For those of you who are watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green.”
‘Whispering’ Ted Lowe, 1 November 1920 – 1 May 2011.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Yes: I know what the site’s called, and have found the link.   But also think posting it here is not necessarily wise.

        It’s funny you should mention salt, Olga.   I love piling salt on food, I really do.   I can’t help but wonder if I’ve been diabetic for longer than I’ve been diagnosed with it: and wondering if that that need for a lot of salt is my bloodstream trying to cope with too much glucose.
        I do keep hearing about intermittent fasting, though: it’s possibly something to discuss, next time I’m at my weight management class … 
        (I hope the play was good!)

        Hello, Mum!

§        They do look rather good, Debbi: I like how they got Maureen O’Brien — Vicky — in a toga.   Obviously, the back office has been doing their research!   (I keep thinking of buying O’Brian’s Close up on Death: but we’ll see.)
        Oh, and the TARDIS background?   Is definitely a mishmash!

¶        69th, Trevor?   That’s in 2032 … !
        At any rate, Trevor, I know about the two shows: and may have to give the concert a miss.   I’m planning to review Talking Doctor Who, and those take a while.


  1. 1 No
    2 Epilepsy
    3 Vegetarianism
    4 Teeth
    5 Texas Nightingale

  2. Q1) No

    Q2) epilepsy

    Q3) vegetarianism

    Q4) your teeth

    Q5) Nightingale

    Yes, I enjoyed the play. And you might be onto something with the salt. Mind you, my father always added salt to any foods without trying them first, and he was never diagnosed with diabetes (and he had to stop eating salt after his MI, and he got used to it).

  3. The 69 was due to me have big fingers i ment 60.

    Also I hold my hands up and plead guilty to the one thing i keep accusing you of, that is not proof reading your daily quiz. I forgot to proof read my comment.

  4. Yes, it is. Fitting, perhaps? :)

    1. no
    2. epilepsy
    3. vegetarianism
    4. your teeth
    5. Nightingale


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