
Wednesday 22 November 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-11-2023 — Cairo

22nd November, 2023: Cairo.

Yes!   It’s Wednesday.


I’m expecting a visit from a plumber: to have a look at my bath.

Expecting … but — given it’s my landlord we’re talking about? — also not expecting!

They can be funny like that … !


At any rate … ?

Yes: I have caught another episode of For All Mankind.

Here’s the video review:

Feel free to hit the ‘Like’ button!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The Cairo Conference opened on 22nd November.   In which country: Algiers, Egypt or Libya?

Q2)        The Conference was held in which year of the 1940s?

Q3)        The conference saw leaders of three Allied Nations meet.   In other words, leaders from the UK, USA and where: China, France or the Soviet Union?

Q4)        Name one of those leaders.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Conference was called to discuss how the war against whom was going: Germany, Italy or Japan?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        21st November is World Television Day.   What — according to Wikipedia — is the world’s longest running TV show: the Lord Mayor’s Show, The Championships, Wimbledon or NBC’s Meet the Press?
A1)        The Lord Mayor’s Show.

Q2)        The UK’s BBC is funded with money from what: income tax, a TV license or VAT?
A2)        A TV license.

Q3)        SVT, TV4 AB and the Viaplay Group, broadcast TV channels in which country: the UK, Sweden or China?
A3)        Sweden.

Q4)        8k TV broadcasting have been developed by NHK.   NHK is which country’s public broadcaster?
A4)        Japan’s.   NHK stands for Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai: written as 日本放送協会, if you want the Japanese.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Neighbours was an Australian TV broadcast originally broadcast by the Seven Network.   Then by Network Ten.   It’s now broadcast by whom: Amazon Freevee, Netflix or Disney+?
A5)        Amazon Freevee.

Here’s a thought …
“The Cairo Conference (codenamed Sextant) also known as the First Cairo Conference, was one of the 14 summit meetings during World War II.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Conference.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!   Did you find Jude’s trainers?

        My lord, that park looks amazing, Olga!   It’s nice to see palm trees and sunshine!   And did you know Benjamin Britten wrote some music about the place?
        At any rate?   Good luck at the doctors: I hope whatever’s happening is easy to deal with.   The older we get, the more we fall apart.
        And good luck with funding the refurbishment!   (JUST had an electrician visit, out of the blue.   At the SAME time the plumber phoned, to say he’d be early.   Ye GODS!)

        I thought that was you in the motor, Debbi!   Red cars seem very you, somehow!   (The ramp McGoohan drives down, in the opening credits?   Led to an underground carpark for the Houses of Parliament: the same carpark ramp where — in 1979 — an MP called Airey Neave was assassinated by the Irish National Liberation Army.)


  1. The answer to question 1 yesterday is debatable.

    There were 2 programmes starting in 1937. You chose the second one.

    Wimbledon is in the summer and the Lord Mayors show is in the Fall.

    So the tennis came first.

  2. Just so everyone knows?

    There’s a ten question set tomorrow, and on Friday!

  3. I went with the Lord Mayor’s Show, Trevor: as the Wikipedia entry lists that first.

    But cheers for mentioning it: I can always reword the question, if and when I reuse it.

  4. 1 Egypt
    2 1943
    3 Soviet Union
    4 Winston Churchill
    5 Germany

  5. Q1) Egypt

    Q2) 1943

    Q3) China

    Q4) Chiang Kai-shek,

    Q5) Japan

    Thanks, Paul. Yes, the visit didn't go too badly. She has requested a Holter test (a 24 hour ECG trace) but not urgent, so I don't know when they'll call me for it. There is the family history, but she told me judging by her examination and the rest of tests, I didn't need to worry.
    Well, the meeting was a bit of a washout. There are a few very vocal people, and it seems one of the new owners also has a lot of ideas of her own, although she doesn't know what has been going on. I suspect this is going to be delayed again, the problem being that they might fine the community, and then we'll have even more expenses to deal with.
    I hope the repairs went well.

  6. Have you seen this? I want to do that, too! :)

    Brilliant is what that is!

    1. Egypt
    2. 1943
    3. China
    4. Winston Churchill
    5. Japan

    Ten questions? I'll ... manage. :) Stiff upper lip and all. Stiff fingers and all. :)


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