
Tuesday 28 November 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th November 2023.

28th November, 2023.

Right: it’s Tuesday.

And … ?

I’m looking after my nephew, later: and possibly Mikey the bunny.

The fact I’m expecting someone — to have a look at the extractor fan, in the bathroom? — and due to finish a review?

Is almost incidental … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga And Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        28th November is Bukovina Day.   It’s a public holiday, where: Romania, Hungary or Austria?

Q2)        28th November is Republic Day.   Where: Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo or Egypt?

Q3)        President Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin all attended the Tehran Conference: on 28th November, 1943.   Tehran is in which country: Iran, Iraq or Israel?

Q4)        28th November, 1994, saw which country vote to not join the EU: Sweden, Norway or Finland?

Q5)        Finally … ?   28th November is the Feast of the Holy Sovereigns.   Sovereigns of where: Australia, Hawaii or Easter Island?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        27th November is the feast day of Clovis 1st.   Clovis was the first king of which unified group: the Franks, Keiths or Normans?
A1)        The Franks.

Q2)        27th November is Lancashire Day.   ‘Lancashire’ is usually abbreviated to what: Lancs, Northants or Oxon?
A2)        Lancs.

Q3)        L. Sprague de Camp was born on 27th November, 1907.   He famously continued the Conan stories that were originally written by whom: R. E. Howard, J. R. R. Tolkien or Michael Moorcock?
A3)        R. E. Howard.

Q4)        Ernie Wise was born on 27th November, 1925.   He was the comedy partner for who: Eric Morecambe, Tommy Cooper or Sid James?
A4)        Eric Morecambe.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Alec Newman was born on 27th November, 1974.   He played Juttner in which film: The Marine 6: Close Quarters, Where Hands Touch or Mary Anning?
A5)        Where Hands Touch.

Here’s a thought …
“Mirth is better than Fun & Happiness is better than Mirth.”
William Blake, 28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        It went well enough, Olga: although the weight’s up a few grams.   They day I can start back on the Ozempic, though, the happier I’ll be!   And you’re right: I did.   I’ve corrected that.
        I’m thankful I don’t come across too many animated headers: they usually don’t last for too long.   I’m going to have to add an AdBlocker to my copy of Safari, though: animated ads really do slow things down!
        Either way?   Good luck with the website Section!

        Hello, Mum!

‡        Oh, don’t get me started on Christmas movies, Debbi!   The arguments you see on Facebook — about whether Die Hard is a Xmas movie — are getting silly, already!
        And, LORD, yes: it does!   (I’ve only ever caught one film, prior to its release: I can only help it improved before its release!)
        Oh, so you know?   The Star Beast was based on a story for Dr Who Weekly.   Pat Mills and Dave Gibbons — the writer and artist — also worked on 2000AD.


  1. Q1) Romania

    Q2) Chad

    Q3) Iran

    Q4) Norway

    Q5) Hawaii
    We were chatting to the pharmacist yesterday, as my mother went to pick up her meds, and the pharmacist was telling us they had to source Omeprazole from somewhere else, as it wasn't reaching her. I mentioned the problems with your injection in the UK and she told us that here it was the same. This being also a country with a public health service, it means they don't pay as much for the meds either, so... So they are having to go around the houses to try to find alternatives for a lot of meds, and some pretty common ones (definitely Omeprazole is not terribly expensive, fancy, or new). Some stuff should have a fixed price and that is it. Luxury items is one thing, but stuff you need... The basics should be affordable for everybody. And off I go. Have fun with your nephew and the rabbit.

  2. 1 Romanis
    2 Chad
    3 Iran
    4 Norway
    5 Hawaii

  3. It's amazing how many cartoonists and graphic artists are also writers.

    1. Romania
    2. the Democratic Republic of the Congo
    3. Iran
    4. Norway
    5. Hawaii

    I should've been a cartoonist. Or a cartoon. :)

    Specifically, Bugs Bunny! :)


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