
Friday 3 November 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd November 2023.

3rd November, 2023.

Right … I’m officially up and about.

And on a Friday, too.

One where I’ve got nothing planned!

We’ll have to see what happens, there.


At any rate … ?

I managed to catch Talking Doctor Who on Wednesday.

And thought you might be interested in my review.


Oh … you’ll be aware that I’m a Doctor Who fan: one keeping an eye on the sixtieth anniversary stuff.

I caught Talking Doctor Who: as you’ve worked out.

And very aware the BBC’s iPlayer service is showing the Tales of The TARDIS.

Omnibus editions of six classic Dr Who stories: with added intros and outros.

I have to say: those intros are rather good.

On other fronts?

There’s going to be a sketch in this year’s Children in Need telethon.

On top of that … ?

The Daleks — the first appearance of the iconic creatures — has been edited and colourised: and due for an iPlayer re-release on the 23rd November, itself.

That could be interesting.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day saw Trevor§ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        3rd November is Saint Winifred’s Day.   She’s traditionally depicted holding a what: sword, shield or axe?

Q2)        The 27th President of the USA was elected to office: on 3rd November, 1908.   Who was that President: William Taft, Franklin D. Roosevelt or Joe Biden?

Q3)        The 32nd President of the USA was elected to office: on 3rd November, 1936.   Who was that President: William Taft, Franklin D. Roosevelt or Joe Biden?

Q4)        The 46th President of the USA was elected to office: on 3rd November, 2020.   He was declared the winner on 7th November, 2020. Who was that President: William Taft, Franklin D. Roosevelt or Joe Biden?

Q5)        Finally … ?   3rd November, AD39, saw the birth of Lucan.   Lucan was a well known Roman what: Emperor, general, senator or poet?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        According to the United Nations, 2nd November is the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against whom: journalists, scientists or medical staff?
A1)        Journalists.

Q2)        2nd November, 2007, saw the death of Charmaine Dragun.   Charmaine was a journalist from where: South Africa, Australia or New Zealand?
A2)        Australia.

Q3)        General Magnus Malan was charged with murder: on 2nd November, 1995.   He was the former defence minister of where: South Africa, Australia or New Zealand?
A3)        South Africa.

Q4)        2nd November, 1868, saw New Zealand adopt what: standard time, a capital city or constitution?
A4)        A standard time.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Siege of Ladysmith started on 2nd November, 1899.   Where is Ladysmith: Australia, New Zealand or South Africa?
A5)        South Africa.

Here’s a thought …
“I have a wife, I have sons; all these hostages have I given to fortune.”
Line 661, Book vii, Pharsalia, Lucan, 3 November 39 AD – 30 April 65 AD.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        It sounds like you’re having a busy time of it, Olga!   Don’t forget put your feet up, at some point: before your head explodes!
        They don’t leave a mark?   They sound expensive … !   (I’d love to be able to afford them: or ones with non-reflecting lenses!   Heigh-ho!)

        Hello, Mum!

        What can I tell you, Debbi, I was rushed … !

§        Play fair, Trevor, I am up at six, to start these!


  1. Q1) sword

    Q2) William Taft

    Q3) Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Q4) Joe Biden

    Q5) poet
    They don't leave a mark, no. I've always bought pretty cheap glasses before, but they convinced me to try those ones, and they had a big discount (I think 50%). I did go with the no-shine lenses as well, and so far, so good.
    I hope your day is OK. I am busy today, but the weekend should be a bit quieter, although Monday and Tuesday are going to be busy again.

  2. 1 Sword
    2 William Taft
    3 Roosevelt
    4 Joe Biden
    5 Poet

  3. No worries! :)

    1. sword
    2. William Taft
    3. Franklin D. Roosevelt
    4. Joe Biden
    5. poet


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