
Saturday 4 November 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-11-2023 — Tonga

4th November, 2023: Tonga!

It’s now, officially, Saturday morning.

And … ?

I’ve very little planned: bar writing a quiz or two.

And, maybe, watching some TV.

I’ve been watching the Apple TV+ series, Silo, recently: and, while I’m not reviewing it — I’m heading for a busy patch, with Dr Who anniversary stuff, and season four of For All Mankind, due up — I am enjoying it.

It’s beautifully designed, very well written, and — like Foundation and For All Mankind — beautifully designed.


Talking of TV?

You’re very aware it’s the sixtieth anniversary of Dr Who’s first broadcast.

And that, as a result?

Near enough every episode of the show — with a notable exception — are on the BBC’s iPlayer service.

An Unearthly Child is missing.

As is The Five(ish) Doctors Rebooted!

How DARE they!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        4th November is the national day of Tonga.   Tonga is in which ocean: the Indian, Pacific or Atlantic?

Q2)        The country is a what: Empire, Kingdom or republic?

Q3)        Nukuʻalofa is Tonga’s current what: capital city, king or legislative assembly?

Q4)        Tonga became independent from the UK.   When: 1969, 1970 or 1971?

Q5)        Finally … ?   In one sport, Tonga’s national side perform a traditional war dance called the Sipi Tau.   Tonga’s national side in which sport: rugby union, American football or cricket?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        3rd November is Saint Winifred’s Day.   She’s traditionally depicted holding a what: sword, shield or axe?
A1)        Sword.   (I don’t know if it’s the same Saint Winifred that educated this lot.   Peter Powell introduced the song with a straight face … !)

Q2)        The 27th President of the USA was elected to office: on 3rd November, 1908.   Who was that President: William Taft, Franklin D. Roosevelt or Joe Biden?
A2)        William Taft.

Q3)        The 32nd President of the USA was elected to office: on 3rd November, 1936.   Who was that President: William Taft, Franklin D. Roosevelt or Joe Biden?
A3)        Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Q4)        The 46th President of the USA was elected to office: on 3rd November, 2020.   He was declared the winner on 7th November, 2020.   Who was that President: William Taft, Franklin D. Roosevelt or Joe Biden?
A4)        Joe Biden?.

Q5)        Finally … ?   3rd November, AD39, saw the birth of Lucan. Lucan was a well known Roman what: Emperor, general, senator or poet?
A5)        Poet.   (He never became US president.)

Here’s a motto …
“Ko e ʻOtua mo Tonga ko hoku tofiʻa”.
“God and Tonga are my inheritance”.
Tonga’s motto.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, well … they’re problem worth the money, then, Olga.   Either way?   Let’s hope both our days go well!

        Hello, Mum!

        Phew!   Thanking you, Debbi!   (Oh … I’ve sent a package.   What with the fuss, I though you’d appreciate it … !)


  1. Q1) the Pacific

    Q2) Kingdom

    Q3) capital city

    Q4) 1970

    Q5) rugby union
    I hope the day goes well. I was covering a Music Fair (well, mostly vinyl records, but others as well) yesterday for the radio. The tape recorder I used (well, it is digital, but you know what I mean) didn't record well. It was a problem with the cable, but they get a lot of use, so it tends to happen every so often. It was sorted, though.
    I have another item of news to cover on Monday (a cookery show by a 2-star Michelin chef, at the local market, so it should be interesting. Not that I'm great at cooking), so I've changed Jordi's class and we'll do it on Tuesday.
    Take care.

  2. 1 Pacific
    2 Kingdom
    3 Capital City
    4 1970
    5 Rugby Union

  3. Thanks, Paul! You're a life saver. :)

    1. Pacific
    2. Kingdom
    3. capital city
    4. 1970
    5. rugby union

    You like movies? Check out the film Ikiru. One of the best films ever made. Very inspiring.

    It was directed by Kurosawa:


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