
Thursday 7 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7-12-2023 — International Civil Aviation Day

7th December, 2023: International Civil Aviation Day.

Right … I’m officially back from the opticians.

And … ?   “And … ?”, I hear you say?

Apparently, the lenses I have are slightly too strong: and need replacing.

They can do that, for free, once the lenses turn up, next week.

Hopefully?   It should take about an hour.

The sooner it happens?

The better!


One thing that did make sense to me?

Was something simple.

The pain I’ve been getting isn’t the first time this happens: merely the most noticeable.

Milder versions happen … every winter.

Apparently?   And according to my optician?

It’s eyestrain caused by the changing in light as the sun lowers in winter … made worse by new glasses a touch too strong for my eyes.

Heigh ho!

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring ten out of ten, and Debbi and Mum on eight.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        7th December is International Civil Aviation Day.   Aviation involves transport that what: flies, runs on rails, or sails?

Q2)        That aviation usually happens in what: planes, trains or cars?

Q3)        Civil aviation is aviation that’s not military.   Or not for a what: state, church or mosque?

Q4)        Civil aviation can be commercial.   In other words, aviation for what: hire, hacking or shelter skelter?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Civil aviation can be commercial.   Or what: private, pedigree or pear shaped?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        6th December is Constitution Day in Spain.   The current Spanish constitution was ratified, when: 1977, 1978 or 1979?
A1)        1978.

Q2)        Part three of the Constitution is about the Spanish legislature.   That legislature is the Cortes … what?
A2)        The Cortes Generales.   (If I’ve understood what Olga has told me over the years?   The name translates as ‘General Courts’.)

Q3)        The Cortes meets in which Spanish city: Barcelona, Madrid or Seville?
A3)        Madrid.

Q4)        Which of those three cities — Barcelona, Madrid or Seville — is Spain’s capital city?
A4)        Madrid.

Q5)        Spain is a what: monarchy, republic or theocracy?
A5)        Monarchy.

Q6)        Galicia, Catalonia and the Basque Country are Spanish what: nationalities, colonies or cities?
A6)        Nationalities.   (The current constitution was the first to use the term: but doesn’t specify the communities concerned.)

Q7)        The Parque Güell, Palacio Güell, Casa Mila, Casa Vincens, Nativity Façade and Crypt of the Sagrada Familia, Casa Batlló and the Crypt at the Colònia Güell are all UN World Heritage sites.   They were all designed by whom: Antoni Gaudí, Pablo Picasso or el Greco?
A7)        Antoni Gaudí.

Q8)        Spain is on the Iberian Peninsular.   What’s the other country on the Peninsular: Germany, Portugal or Libya?
A8)        Portugal.

Q9)        Juan Antonio Bardem, Pedro Almodóvar and Luis García Berlanga, are Spanish what: directors, actors or novelists?
A9)        Directors.

Q10)        Finally … ?   Spain is the world’s largest producer of what: olive oil, white wine or wheat?
A10)        Olive oil.

Here’s a thought …
“Most countries in the world are members of the International Civil Aviation Organization and work together to establish common Standards and Recommended Practices for civil aviation through that agency.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Civil Aviation.
And a history …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Well … I seem to have made progress, Olga: they’re going to be replacing the lenses, next week.   I’m just grateful the optician could also confirm I was getting eyestrain because of the light at this time of year, and made worse by the lenses!
        I think I’ve seen a few type one diabetics with the pumps.   Or, at least, the strapped-on glucose monitors.   I’m vaguely jealous: they get a gadget the rest of us don’t!   (From what the pharmacist told me?   The machine, plus twenty of the testing sticks, was £20·99: it’s £20·99 for a pack of 50 additional sticks.   That’s about €24, I think.)

        “Let’s see if I can do this.”   You mean dinner, or the quiz, Debbi?  🤣   At any rate, the new ten question set’s on Boxing Day … !


  1. 1 Flies
    2 Planes
    3 State
    4 Hire
    5 Private

  2. That £10 donation is me recycling the odd £10 that the Gov gives to all us Old Age Pensioners every year. I never have a use for it and try tp give it away every year,

  3. Cheers, Trevor, I should be able to put that to good use

  4. I meant finishing the quiz before yelled, "Hey, where are you? Everything's getting cold."

    There, did that. :)

    1. flies
    2. planes
    3. state
    4. hire
    5. private

    Nice, short answers. Thanks!

    And thanks for the card. To you and Trevor. We're doing cards this weekend. At last. :)


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