
Wednesday 17 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-1-2024 — The Battle of Monte Cassino.

17th January, 2024.

It’s officially Wednesday!

Gosh, the excitement … !

OK, it’s what used to be called #HumpDay on Twitter/X.

And I have to wonder … 

Does anyone eld get the same meh feeling I do, on Wednesdays?*


At any rate … ?

I mention videos in today’s intros.

Yes: both I and Jude have posted to YouTube, yesterday.

Feel free to like ’em and share ’em!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        17th January saw the start of the Battle of Monte Cassino.   17th January of which year of the 1940s?

Q2)        The Battle was also know as the Battle for where: Rome, Turin or Milan?

Q3)        The Battle consisted of how many military assaults: two, three or four?

Q4)        The Battle was in which Axis nation: Germany, Italy or Japan?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Battle took place in and around Monte Cassino’s what: abbey, barracks or church?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        16th January is the feast day of Pope Benjamin 1st.   He was a pope for which church: the Roman Catholic, Coptic or Syrian Orthodox?
A1)        Coptic.

Q2)        16th January, 1979, saw the Shah flee where: Iran, Iraq or Israel?
A2)        Iran.

Q3)        Charlotte Henshaw was born on 16th January, 1987.   The Paralympian is what kind of athlete: a canoeist, swimmer or runner?
A3)        A Canoeist.   Or paracanoeist, if you want the correct term.   (She had started her career as a swinner: but is now a paracanoeist.)

Q4)        16th January, 27BC, marks the start of the Roman Empire.   When Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus was awarded a title by the Roman Senate.   Which title: Augustus, Divi Filius or Imperator?
A4)        Augustus.

Q5)        Finally … ?   16th January (Old Style), 1547, saw Ivan 4th become Tsar of all Russia.   Ivan 3rd was also know as Ivan the what: Terrible, Terrific or Terrified?
A5)        Terrible.

Here’s a thought …
“With its heavily fortified mountain defences, difficult river crossings, and valley heads flooded by the Germans, Cassino formed a linchpin of the Gustav Line, the most formidable line of the defensive positions making up the Winter Line.”
From the Wikipedia article on the Battle.
And a documentary …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        In an effort to keep my spirits up?   I’ve got “Hey You (The Rock Steady Crew)”, and “Bang Zoom (Let}s Go-go)” on repeat.   That seems to help … 

        Cheers for that, Olga: I have a bad habit of mixing up my Ivans.   I’m the same with Vlad 2nd, and Vlad the 3rd, of Romania.   Vlad 3rd is Dracula, if that’s any help!
        I’ll keep my fingers crossed the patches work well!   And it was a pleasure, quoting the Don.   I might have to keep an eye peeled on publication dates: quoting a well known book could be a good source!

        Hello, Mum!

§        OK, I’ve just read the Wikipedia article, there, Debbi¶.   That sounds like a very strange film!   At any rate, mentioning people with two heads makes me think of this chap … 

        Did I ever tell you, Debbi that Mos Def — Yasiin Bey, as he now is —  is my favourite Ford Prefect … ?


  1. 1 1944
    2 Rome
    3 4
    4 Italy
    5 Abbey

  2. Q1) 1944

    Q2) Rome

    Q3) Four

    Q4) Italy

    Q5) abbey
    I'm not surprised. It's hard enough to keep up with the Royals there and here, in Spain, although I must say some of the Russians were pretty colourful characters as well!

  3. Interesting. I've always been partial to the original. But ... I do love the actors in the movie version. :) Especially that guy from "The Office"! Watson! Martin Freeman! :)

    1. 1944
    2. Rome
    3. four
    4. Italy
    5. abbey


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