
Thursday 18 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th January 2024.

18th January, 2024.

Right … 

It’s officially Thursday.

And … ?

I’m waiting for the postman.

I put in for another pre-paid debit card from the Essential Living Fund, at the start of January.

The sooner that turns up?

The happier I’ll be.

I like the idea of having milk in my tea!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        18th January, 1969, saw the birth of wrestler and actor, Dave Bautista.   He’s due to play Glossu Rabban in which 2024 film: The Beekeeper, Bob Marley: One Love or Dune: Pt 2?

Q2)        18th January is the feast day of Amy Carmichael.   She’s venerated by whom: Catholics, Anglicans or Lutherans?

Q3)        18th January, 2002 saw the end of a civil war, where: Sierra Leone, Liberia or Ghana?

Q4)        Danny Kaye was born on 18th January, 1911.   He was well known as an amateur what: Chinese chef, Olympic-class fencer or wall-paper designer?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Mobster, Joseph Bonanno, was born on 18th January, 1905.   He was also known as what: Joe the Boat, Joe Bananas or Joe Diddly?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        17th January saw the start of the Battle of Monte Cassino.   17th January of which year of the 1940s?
A1)        1944.

Q2)        The Battle was also know as the Battle for where: Rome, Turin or Milan?
A2)        Rome.

Q3)        The Battle consisted of how many military assaults: two, three or four?
A3)        Four.

Q4)        The Battle was in which Axis nation: Germany, Italy or Japan?
A4)        Italy.

Q5)        Finally … ? The Battles took place in and around Monte Cassino’s what: abbey, barracks or church?
A5)        Abbey.

Here’s a thought …
“Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint you can at it.”
Danny Kaye, January 18, 1911– March 3, 1987.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        ‘Colourful’ is possibly putting it mildly, Olga: Ivan Grozny is possibly the least of it.   Talking of Russian royals?   Keep your eyes peeled for the 21st.   A notorious Russian is making his second appearance!

‡        That’s the chap, Debbi!   He plays Bilbo in Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy: playing opposite Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug.   And if that wasn’t a good piece of casting, I don’t know WHAT was!
        Did I mention I’ve got “Marvin I Love You” on in the back ground?   It’s an utter classic!   (I always thought the singer was Sandra Dickinson.   But no: apparently it’s Kimi Wong, Richard O’Brian’s first wife.   Yes, that Richard O’Brian: I think that’s her in the centre of the picture.)

people dancing at a party, Time Warp


  1. OK, is anyone else having issues with YouTube acting slowly? Regardless of browser, or app?

    According to TechLinked, there’s some sort of issue with YouTube: where buffering is being caused by AdBlockers …

  2. 1 Dune part 2
    2 Anglicans
    3 Sierrra Leone
    4 Chinese Chef
    5 Joe Bananas

  3. Q1) Dune: Pt 2

    Q2) Anglicans

    Q3) Sierra Leone

    Q4) Chinese chef

    Q5) Joe Bananas
    I'll keep my eyes peeled for it. I use YouTube quite often, for the workouts, and there are days when it will get easily stuck, although I haven't noticed it this morning (mind you, it was quite early).

  4. How interesting. Sounds like a fun bunch. :)

    1. Dune, Pt. 2
    2. Anglicans
    3. Sierra Leone
    4. Chinese chef
    5. Joe Bananas


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