
Saturday 20 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th January 2024

20th January, 2024.

Right: it’s Saturday morning.


If you’re in my neck of the woods, you’ve possibly woken up: and made aware Storm Isha is going to be doing damage.

And if you’re specifically in the south east?   It gets worse on Monday.

Let’s be careful, out there!


Yes: I also woke up with an earworm.


It was a brief clip from a Buffy: The Vampire Slayer episode called “Once More, with Feeling”.

Quite why I’ve had a song about bunnies going through my head … ?

I really don’t know!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The USA’s youngest president was sworn in on 20th January, 1961.   Who was that President?

Q2)        David Lynch was born on 20th January, 1946.   His first film, Eraserhead, was released in which year of the 1970s?

Q3)        20th January is the feast day of Pope Fabian.   He’s usually depicted with a what: crow, dove or eagle?

Q4)        China gained control of the Paracel Islands: from 20th January, 1974.   The Islands are where: the South China Sea, the East China Sea or the Gulf of Mexico?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Martin Luther King Day was first marked in the US as a federal holiday: on 20th January.   20th January of which year of the 1980s?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Miguel Ferrer died on 19th January, 2017.   He played Bob Morton in which 1987 film: Lethal Weapon, RoboCop or Three Men and a Baby?
A1)        RoboCop.

Q2)        19th January is Confederate Heroes Day.   Where: Texas, Florida or Oregon?
A2)        Texas.

Q3)        19th January, 1899, saw the establishment of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.   The country — and its present day successor states — was on which continent?
A3)        Africa.

Q4)        During the Hundred Years War, 19th January, 1419, saw Rouen captured by Henry 5th of England.   How long did the Hundred Years War last for: one hundred and fourteen years, one hundred and sixteen years or one hundred and eighteen years?
A4)        One hundred and sixteen years.   (116 years).

Q5)        Finally … ?   Javier Pérez de Cuéllar was born on 19th January, 1920.   He was — from 1982 to 1991 — General Secretary of what: the United Nations, the European Union or FIFA?
A5)        The United Nations.

Here’s a thought …

“My dear sir, get out of this business.   It’ll kill you; it’ll kill you.”
Colin Clive, 20 January 1900 – 25 June 1937.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        Yes: Hollywood’s got dynasties, Olga.   Just as many as the UK’s arts industry!   Just as an obscure example?   Anthony Ainley — the Master in 1980s Dr Who — was the son of a reasonably well known stage actor called Henry Ainley.   (There’s a photo of Henry — with a goatee beard — on his Wikipedia page.   The resemblance to his son is noticeable!)
        Yeah … I can understand the course will be confusing.   I’ve always the impression most software projects — everything from simple ones like Burn, to video conversion software, to server-side databases  — will have dozens of people working on them.   And what one coder thinks is a elegant piece of code, another will think is a total mess!
        Yes, that was it!   You mentioned that your cousin talked about it.   I think he’s found something interesting, there!

        I’ve been hearing rumours, Debbi!   You and Edith both mentioned it on Twitter, yesterday!   I’m thankful we don’t have snow!
        Oh, I mentioned Anthony Ainley — the Master — to Olga.   You can see the family resemblance in a couple of the photos on Wikipedia!


  1. Q1) John F. Kennedy

    Q2) 1977 (That’s a seriously weird film. Mind you, that is David Lynch and I love his taste in music).

    Q3) dove

    Q4) the South China Sea

    Q5) 1986
    Yes, I can see the resemblance. I always think of the Barrimore and the Redgrave when I think of acting families, but here we have quite a few (I've mentioned Bardem and his uncle, who was a film director, and a great one as well).
    Oh, I do remember that episode of Buffy. Yes, a musical version, when a demon made everybody sing. It could be a total disaster in real life...

  2. 1 John F Kennedy
    2 1977
    3 Dove
    4 Sth China Sea
    5 1986

  3. Oh, wow! Definitely.

    My great-grandfather on my Dad's side was an actor. He came over from Ireland and performed on Broadway. He was in "Abbie's Irish Rose" or something.

    He also wrote the original song "Heart of my Heart". The song about which the popular song of the same name was written. :)

    His original name was MacAloon, but he changed it to Mack.

    1. John F. Kennedy
    2. 1977
    3. dove
    4. the South China Sea
    5. 1986

    BTW, today is Tom Baker's 90th birthday! OMG! :)

    Perhaps he'll regenerate. :)


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