
Monday 22 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-1-2024 — Back to the Mac.

22nd January, 2024: Back to the Mac.

Right … it’s a Monday morning: and I’m up early.

Yep: it’s time for my weight management class, again.


I’ll’ve lost some.

I was up a few grams, last week, and I’d like to remedy that!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga And Debbi scoring five out of five: and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Apple introduced its Macintosh line of computers: on 22nd January of which year of the 1980s?

Q2)        That original Mac had how much RAM: 128k, 256k or 512k?

Q3)        RAM stands for Random Access what?

Q4)        The modern Macintosh has an operating system: software that lets you use your computer.    What’s the Mac’s operating system called: macOS, Ubuntu or Windows 11?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Mac was named after a what: apple, banana or Kiwi?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        21st January saw the birth of Grigori Rasputin.   In which year of the 1860s?
A1)        1869.

Q2)        He was born on the 21st in the new style Gregorian calendar.   What was it in the old style, Julian, calendar: 9th January, 10th January or 11th January?
A2)        9th January.

Q3)        Rasputin was born in Siberia.   In what’s now, where: Russia, Georgia or Poland?
A3)        Russia.

Q4)        Grigori was considered a strannik. In other words, a religious what: wanderer, artist or singer?
A4)        Wanderer.   (The word can also be translated as ‘pilgrim’.   However, if I’ve understood it correctly?   A pilgrim is making a religious journey to somewhere specific: a strannik isn’t.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Rasputin was killed in which year: 1914, 1916 or 1918?
A5)        1916.

Here’s a thought …
“Upon its […] launch, the first Macintosh was described as revolutionary by The New York Times.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Mac.
And an advert …

Just to clarify?

The computer was introduced on the 22nd: with that famous advert. 

It went on retail sale on the 24th: the date given in the ad.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Cheers, Olga, I got the typos corrected!
        Oh, yes!   About the only thing I can add?   Is that Michael Barrymore isn’t a member of the Barrymore clan!   They’re possibly grateful.
        I think I caught that article, as well.   There’s been plenty of speculation, I know that.   Speculation that’s not helped by the fact the production’s about a year ahead: the team’s either still recording 2025’s, or in post-production.
        Oh … I caught another episode of Devs, last night: a mostly flashbacks episode, that fills in some background.   The transitions they use are rather funky: and Alison Pill’s performance mildly unnerving.   The little I’ve seen of her, her characters are fluffier than this!

        Hello, Mum!

        Yes, you mentioned Doug a while back, Debbi: wasn’t he the keyboard player?   The one song you played me — “In A Gadda Da Vida” — sounded very Doorsy.


  1. Q1) 1984

    Q2) 128k

    Q3) Memory

    Q4) macOS

    Q5) Apple

    Yes, you're right. I'm sure the Barrymore's are happy about that (although they have a bit of a history of liking the bottle too much, but...).
    Good luck for your appointment today.

  2. 1 1984
    2 128tram
    3 Memory
    4 mac is
    5 apple

  3. Very psychedelic, yeah. Quite the thing at the time. :)

    1. 1984
    2. 128k
    3. Memory
    4. macOS
    5. apple


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