
Thursday 25 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-1-2024 — The Winter Games

25th January, 2024.

Right … 

As you can tell from that video … ?

I’ve had a haircut!

At a thankfully cheap, local barbers!

OK, granted, there’s possibly cheaper places in Brentwood.


Eighteen pounds (£18/€21/$22) seemed reasonable.


The place is nearby!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The first Winter Olympics opened on 25th January, 1924.   In which country: France, Germany or Belgium?

Q2)        Those first Winter Olympic were held in Chamonix.   The town was part of which which mountain range: the Rockies, Alps or Drakensteins?

Q3)        The UK got a total of four medals: one gold, one silver and two bronze.   Which nation earned the most medals, that year: Norway, Finland or Austria?

Q4)        The Games featured Curling as an event.   Who won the gold medal for that year: Great Britain, Sweden or France?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Games featured an event called Nordic Combined.   The event is a form of what: football, skiing or chess?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Which serial killer was executed on 24th January, 1989: Colin Ireland, Peter Sutcliffe or Ted Bundy?
A1)        Ted Bundy.   (Colin Ireland and Peter Sutcliffe committed their murders in the UK: where they were tried and convicted.   As the UK doesn’t have a death sentence … )

Q2)        According to the UN, 24th January is the International Day of what: Education, Clean Energy or Braille?
A2)        Education.

Q3)        Uttar Pradesh Day is marked on 24th January.   Where is Uttar Pradesh: China, India or Brazil?
A3)        India.

Q4)        True or False: 24th January is World Basketball Day.
A4)        False: it’s on 21st December.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Marilyn Monroe divorced her third husband: on 24th January, 1961.   Who was her third husband?
A5)        Arthur Miller.

Here’s a thought …

“With the success of the event, it was retroactively designated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as ‘the first Olympic Winter Games’.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Games.

And a clue …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        I have to confess, Olga: I was in our school production of The Crucible, many years ago.   I think I was the only 80-something Puritan farmer with purple hair!
        I think the haircut went well enough: it was reasonably (£18/€21/$22) priced, though, that’s the main thing!
        Oh, I caught the last episode of Devs, last night: I can see where they going … but it fell a bit flat for my tastes!

        Cheers, Debbi, that means a lot!   :D.  (I get help: from a copy of Harts!)
        Oh, did I mention I’ve been watching Devs?   I caught the last episode, last night.   I think they were trying for a slightly Prisonereque version of “Forest of the Dead”, but didn’t quite hit the mark.   It was a bit … um … yeah: ummm … 


  1. Q1) France

    Q2) The Alps

    Q3) Norway

    Q4) Great Britain

    Q5) skiing
    Good you're happy with the haircut. Here you can find very cheap ones for men, and offers for women as well, it depends where you go. I've seen men haircuts on offer for 5 euros, although I have no idea what the end result might look like. Of course, this is a big city and there are many hairdressers and barbers, so the competition must be quite fierce.

  2. 1 France
    2 Alps
    3 Norway
    4 GB
    5 Sking

  3. Sounds interesting. :)

    1. France
    2. the Alps
    3. Norway
    4. Great Britain
    5. skiing


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