
Thursday 4 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4th January 2024

4th January, 2024.

Right then … 

It’s officially Thursday: and I have nothing planned for today.

Beyond a little light shopping.

I am running out of spuds: so having a few more could be an idea.

Especially as the air fryer I got for Christmas seems to do them so well.

Heigh ho!


Did I mention I caught a film, last night?

I caught a film last night: 1997’s Event Horizon.

It’s not something I’m planning on reviewing: as I’ve covered it a couple of times, already.


I know there’s criticisms of the film: Sam Neill’s performance is good, but mildly schizophrenic.

I suspect Neill’s performance — along with the film’s other flaws — can be blame on the studio — the studio, rather than director, Paul W. S. Anderson — insisting it be cut from a one-hundred and thirty minute version to an hour and a half.

But what we get on screen, from the design of the ship, the effects, to Laurence Fishburne’s hefty performance as Captain Miller?

Is still quite something to watch!

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Olga‡ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        4th January is the feast day of Ferréol of Uzès.   The ancient diocese of Uzès is in what’s now, where: France, Belgium or Germany?

Q2)        Baseball player, Kris Bryant, was born on 4th January, 1992.   He currently plays for which MLB team: the Chicago Cubs, San Francisco Giants or the Colorado Rockies?

Q3)        The Battle of Reading took place on 4th January, AD871.   The Reading in question, is in which modern English county: Berkshire, Durham or Essex?

Q4)        4th January is Ogoni Day: marked by the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People.    The Ogoni people live in which African nation: Nigeria, Niger or Namibia?

Q5)        Finally … ?   4th January is Independence Day in what’s now called Myanmar.   What was Myanmar called: before it changed its name in 1989?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        3rd January is the tenth of the Twelve Days of Christmas.   The period is also called what: Eighttide, Tentide or Twelvetide?
A1)        Twelvetide.

Q2)        The proceedings of the US Congress were first televised on 3rd January, 1947.   What’s the name of the TV channel that broadcasts proceedings: C-SPAN, Out-SPAN or SPAN-R?
A2)        C-SPAN.

Q3)        Alaska joined the USA: on 3rd January, 1959.   What Alaska’s largest city: Anchorage or Juneau?
A3)        Anchorage.

Q4)        Flash Airways flight 604 crashed on 3rd January, 2004.   It had been flying from Sharm El Sheikh: to which French city?
A4)        Paris.

Q5)        Finally … ?   3rd January, 2009, saw Israeli forces invade where: Gaza, the West Bank or East Jerusalem?
A5)        Gaza.

Here’s a thought …
“You shouldn’t be playing the game if you don’t think that the win will happen.”
Kris Bryant, born January 4, 1992.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Yes, it’s a bit overwhelming, Debbi!   It’s like using the term ‘a game of football’.   That covers everything from soccer to Rugby, Aussie Rules, American Football, Canadian Rules football, five-a-side … and the Eton Wall Game, if you really want to get picky!   Apparently, no-one’s scored a goal in the Eton Wall Game since 1909!
        Ye gods, you’ve got a handful with the typing!   Just you wait ’til the 8th January.   It’s only five questions, but the theme’s appropriate!

        The phone meeting went very well, Olga: thankfully, I was able to do the needed uploading while I was on the phone.   The next one’s in person: in April.
        Have fun at the event!


  1. 1 France
    2 Colarado Rockies
    3 iBerkshire
    4 Nigeria
    5 Burma

  2. I'm learning lots about neurology in the bargain. :)

    1. France
    2. the Colorado Rockies
    3. Berkshire
    4. Nigeria
    5. Burma


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