
Thursday 28 March 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th March 2024.

28th March, 2024.

Right … Thursday … 

It’s the day before Friday: and frankly, after Wednesday.

But you’d guessed that!

At any rate … ?

I still have my sister’s laptop to sell: as no-one’s, seemingly, interested in it!

I might just have to head for my nearest branch of CeX, over in Romford.

If they won’t take it … ?

There’s a Cash Converters, next door.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring six out of six.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Vince Vaughan was born on 28th March, 1970.   He played Lester Long in which 1998 film: A Cool, Dry Place, Psycho or Clay Pigeons?

Q2)        28th March is Serfs’ Emancipation Day.   Where: Russia, Tibet or the UK?

Q3)        28th March, 1979, saw the then British Prime Minister, lose a Vote of No Confidence.   Which British Prime Minister?

Q4)        An earthquake hit Sumatra on 28th March, 2005.   Sumatra is mostly in which ocean: the North Atlantic, Indian or South Pacific?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Treaty of Florence was signed: on 28th March, 1801.   It ended a war between France … and where: the Republic of Venice, the Papal States or the Kingdom of Naples?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        27th March, 1915, saw Mary Mallon quarantined for the second time.   She was carrying which disease: pneumonia, typhoid or Hansen’s Disease?
A1)        Typhoid. (Mallon was the original Typhoid Mary.)

Q2)        The condition Mary had, was caused by a what: virus or bacteria?
A2)        Bacteria.

Q3)        The first section of the Washington Metro opened on 27th March.   Of which year of the 1970s?
A3)        1976.

Q4)        27th March, 1785, saw the birth of Louis Charles, duke of Normandy.   Had the revolution not happened, he’d’ve been Louis 17th of where?
A4)        France.

Q5)        27th March is World Theatre Day.   Western theatre is said to have its origins, where: Athens, Tokyo or Cairo?
A5)        Athens.

Q6)        Finally … ?   27th March is the feast day of Saint John of Egypt.   He was a what: hermit, monk or priest?
A6)        Hermit.
Here’s a thought …
“All I’ve done since is three days on Bright Lights, Big City as Michael J. Fox's mother.   That’s what an Oscar does for you.”
Dianne Wiest, born March 28, 1948.
A song …

And this morning’s earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        14?   Not that much older than Jude, then, Olga.   It’s that challenging sort of age, isn’t it?   At any rate?   It sounds like a good time was had by all!
        I’ve got very vague memories of Barcelona Sants Station, now you mention trains.   It struck me the place was huge: but I was quite young at the time!

        Hello, Mum!

‡        That’s OK, Debbi: I know it must have been urgent!
        (Oh, re the bridge?   Apparently, a couple of bodies have been found.   The poor sods: all they wanted to do was fill pot holes, and get paid!)


  1. 1 Psycho
    2 Russia
    3 Margaret Thatcher
    4 Sth Pacific
    5 Kingdom of Naples

  2. Q1) Clay Pigeons

    Q2) Tibet

    Q3) James Callaghan

    Q4) Indian

    Q5) the Kingdom of Naples
    Sorry about the laptop. I hope you get something for it.
    I haven’t had a chance to get to know Rafah (my friend’s boy), but he seemed quite happy to go with his parents and visit, and he was quite chatty and friendly. He plays the cello since he was 3 and a half years old, although at the moment he hasn’t decided if he wants to go into music long-term or perhaps the sciences.
    You’re right about Estació de Sants. They are building another pretty big one (Sagrera) so we might get a bit less movement. It was quite nice to begin with, but with the arrival of the high-speed trains, etc, some of the features were removed. Now there is a plan in place to update and refurbish it. To be honest, if it looks even close to the plan, it would be fantastic. Look at it:

  3. An awful situation all around.

    1. Clay Pigeons
    2. Tibet
    3. James Callaghan
    4. the Indian
    5. the Kingdom of Naples


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