
Monday 20 May 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20-5-2024 — World Bee Day

20th May, 2024: World Bee Day.

It’s officially official!

It’s Monday!


Or possibly, ‘Yay’.

My weight management class is today: hopefully, I’ll’ve lost weight.


I know not everyone has access to the BBC’s iPlayer service: which is a shame.

Over the past weeks?

I’ve caught a series called Secrets & Spies: A Nuclear Game, a series that offers a potted history of espionage in the 1980s.

It’s very entertaining … and very informative!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring four out of five, Debbi on three and Mum on two.

The day also saw Olga‡ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        20th May is World Bee Day: according to the United Nations.   Which country proposed Bee Day: Slovenia, Slovakia or Bosnia?

Q2)        The day marks the birth of Anton Janša.   Janša was a pioneering what: beekeeper, bird watcher or rose grower?

Q3)        Bees are what: insects, arachnids or crustaceans?

Q4)        Many bees live in which ‘H’?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Honey bees do a what: waggle dance, honey dance or metal dance?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        19th May, 2024, sees many Christians mark what: Easter, Christmas or Pentecost?
A1)        Pentecost.

Q2)        The festival takes place fifty days after what: Easter, Christmas or Pentecost?
A2)        Easter: specifically, Easter Sunday.

Q3)        19th May, 1997, saw the UK’s Health secretary announce that sponsorship of sports events would be banned. Sponsorship by whom: bookies, tobacco companies or breweries?
A3)        Tobacco companies.

Q4)        19th May, 2018, saw Prince Harry marry Meghan Markle. The pair are now the Duke and Duchess of where: Essex, Sussex or Middlesex?
A4)        Sussex.

Q5)        Finally … ? The Dark Day took place on 19th May, 1780. Where: New England, the Pacific North West or New Mexico?
A5)        New England.
Here’s a thought …
“Human beekeeping [ … ] has been practised for millennia, since at least the times of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.”
From the Wikipedia entry on bees.
A song …

And an earworm§ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Trust me, Debbi: I think Moffat was on form for that episode!

        That’s OK, Olga: and perfectly understandable.   (My Aunty Bella was in your shoes: she cared for Grandma for years!)

§        I still say “Vindaloo”, by Fat Les, is the best football song ever written.


  1. Thanks, Paul. I'll visit and participate when I can, but it might prove fairly hit-and-miss from now on. (She gets up early in the morning, so although I am up early as well, there isn't much opportunity to do much), and she goes to bed early in the evening, but by that time, I am quite tired already.
    I hope your session goes well.

  2. 1 Slovenia
    2 Beekeeper
    3 Insects
    4 Hives
    5 Waggle dance

  3. I think I got all the answers on the last one, but you know, whatever. :)

    Not like I win an award, right? :)

    1. Slovenia
    2. beekeeper
    3. insects
    4. hive
    5. waggle dance


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