
Saturday 4 May 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4th May, 2024.

4th May, 2024.

Right … it’s the last Saturday before the start of Doctor Who.

That’s next Saturday, so you know: when BBC 1 airs the first two episodes*.

We’ll have to see how that goes, when it comes to the reviews!


At any rate …  ?

I’ve finally finished my most recent Star Trek Discovery review: both written and video.

I hope they’re enjoyable.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, Olga on four and Mum on two.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        4th May, 1776, saw Rhode Island renounce its allegiance to the King.   Which King: George 3rd, Charles 3rd or Richard 3rd?

Q2)        4th May, 1812, saw Italy seize an island from the Ottoman Empire.   Which island: Evia, Lesbos or Rhodes?

Q3)        The HMS Sheffield was sunk on 4th May, 1982.   During a British war with which country?

Q4)        Audrey Hepburn was born on 4th May, 1929.   Where: Austria, Belgium or Croatia?

Q5)        Finally … ?   4th May is Independence Day in Albania: true or false?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Washington DC was named as a city.   On 3rd May of which year: 1802, 1804 or 1806?
A1)        1802.

Q2)        The city was founded, when: 1789, 1791 or 1793?
A2)        1791.

Q3)        One of the world’s two largest libraries is in Washington.   That library is the Library of where?
A3)        The Library of Congress.   (The other is the British Library.)

Q4)        PEPCO supplies what to the city: gas, electricity or water?
A4)        Electricity.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Washington is twinned with which British city: London, Glasgow or Sunderland?
A5)        Sunderland.
Here’s a thought …
“I don’t know, people say I’m a sex symbol, but I think I’m an actress.”
Pia Zadora, born May 4, 1954.
And an song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        The talk is that the third episode of the new series — “Boom”, by Stephen Moffat — will see the Doctor, standing on a landmine.
        The last time I saw something like that?   Was in 1975’s “Genesis of The Daleks”.

†        I’ll be honest, Olga: I based the question on this entry on Wikipedia.   That tells us the various bits of paperwork — including the L’Enfant designs — were laid out between 24th January and 9th September, 1791.
        Twiglets are definitely popular!   I haven’t had a pack for years!

        Happy Birthday, Mum!

§        I think you’re ahead, Debbi!   And you’d think it would twinned with London, wouldn’t you … ?


  1. 1 George 3rd
    2 Evia
    3 Argentina
    4 Belguim
    5 True

  2. Q1) George 3rd

    Q2) Rhodes, but it was 1912 not 1812

    Q3) Argentina

    Q4) Belgium

    Q5) False (28th of November)
    Wish happy birthday to your Mom for me, Paul. I hope you do something to celebrate the date. ♥

  3. You'd think. But, no, I think London's twinned with New York.

    Ah, well. They were thinking about Washington, anyway. His roots, so to speak. :)

    1. George 3rd
    2. Rhodes
    3. Argentina
    4. Belgium
    5. false

    Do you guys get the show Ghosts there? It's about a house haunted by ghosts from different eras, who can't leave the property. And two of them are gay men from opposite sides of the Revolutionary War in America. And they're romantically involved. It's hilarious!

    Look it up! :)


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