
Sunday 9 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9-6-2024 — Murcia

9th June, 2024: Murcia.

Right … Sundays … 

Yes, it’s Sunday: and I think I need more sleep!

After posting a late night review of “Rogue”.

What makes it worth it … ?

Is simply the fact I’ve had comments on it, already!

I like that!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and and Debbi and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        9th June is Murcia Day.   Where: France, Italy or Spain?

Q2)        What is Murcia: a county, a department or an autonomous community?

Q3)        What’s Murcia’s capital?

Q4)        The Council of Wise Men of the plain of Murcia is a traditional Murcian court.   It resolves conflicts that involve what: irrigation, borders or fields?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Murcian capital celebrates an annual festival.   One called the Burial of the what: Sardine, Sauerkraut or Siesta?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        8th June is the feast day of Saint William of where: York, Lincoln or Lancaster?
A1)        York.

Q2)        8th June is Bounty Day. Where: Vanuatu, Norfolk Island or Pitcairn Island?
A2)        Norfolk Island.

Q3)        Kanye West was born on 8th June, 1977.   In 2018, he announced he’d be changing his stage name to what?
A3)        Ye.

Q4)        8th June, 1376, saw the death of Edward of Woodstock.   He’s best remembered as what: the Black Prince, White Prince or Blue Prince?
A4)        The Black Prince.   (He’s said to have worn black armour, when in battle.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   8th June, 1942, saw a Japanese submarine bomb Newcastle. Newcastle, where: Australia, the UK or New Zealand?
A5)        Australia.
Here’s a thought …
“The Region of Murcia [is] located in the southeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula, on the Mediterranean coast.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Murcia.
A fandango …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!   (His new stage name’s Ye, Mum!)

†        That video does look fun, Olga!   Is it me, or is the person playing the main (male) character a woman?   Because the stubble’s remarkable convincing!   I’ll have to put the show on my To Be Watched pile: once I’ve got finished with The Acolyte§.
        That does sound plausible: I always look at the various walls built in Israel, and thinking of the various WW2-era ghettos.   But you can’t always say that!   (I don’t think anyone’s in Israel’s good books … )

‡        I get the impression, Debbi, it’s only some politicians who go into it to serve the public.   It’s a vocation for them.
        Others … ?   Well … the fact we have a lot of MP’s standing down at the Election says something, I think!
        Oh, did I wave the review at you … ?

§        The first two episodes look good, Olga: police procedural meets Seven Samurai, mets Matrix-style Kung Fu!


  1. 1 Spain
    2 Autonomous
    3 Murcia
    4 Irigation
    5 Sardine

  2. Q1) Spain

    Q2) an autonomous community

    Q3) Murcia

    Q4) Irrigation (they would be hard pressed to find enough “good men” nowadays, methinks).

    Q5) Sardine (This is very traditional right at the end of Easter, although I guess the one in Murcia is quite something).
    Yes, definitely a woman in the video. I think you’d appreciate the sense of humour and the relationship between the characters in Supernatural. I didn’t watch the whole series, but I watched quite a few of them and enjoyed them. I’ll have to catch up at some point. (And I must say the way the first season ends is... quite something!)
    They were showing the first episode of the Acolyte on the telly the other day, but they sometimes do that and don’t show the rest of the series, only to hook people into signing up for one of the streaming services (the TV channels have their own as well, so to manage to get everything you’d end up having to pay a hefty sum).

  3. Yes, will get to that today.

    Politics sucks. But provides lots of content for humourists. Did I spell that correctly? :)

    1. Spain
    2. an autonomous community
    3. Murcia
    4. irrigation
    5. Sardine


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