
Sunday 22 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22nd July, 2018

22nd July, 2018.

Yep: it’s Sunday, and I’m off to work, in a bit.

Yes: I’ve got Radio Four on in the background.

And yes: it’s broadcasting the World Service, it’s that early in the morning.

Frankly … ?

You’d not think skateboarding’s that old, would you … ?


Just as a thought … ?

I saw this piece on the BBC’s news site.


The European Space Agency are looking for names for their Mars rover.

I know it breaks the rules — as he died after 1993 — but I suggested Patrick Moore.

As his moon maps were used by NASA, and the Soviet Space Agency, as guides for their lunar explorations, it seems only right to honour him by naming a small part of exploring Mars.

What do you think … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 22nd July, 1937, saw the US Senate vote down the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937.   The bill was supposed to introduce more what to the US Supreme Court?
Q2) 22nd July, 1894, was the date of the first Paris to Rouen race.   What kind of race was it: a boat race, motor race or snail race?
Q3) Martial law was revoked, on 22nd July, 1983.   Where?
Q4) Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp discovered a what: on 22nd July, 1995?
Q5) Finally … actress Loiuse Fletcher was born: on 22nd July, 1934.   In which film did she play Dr. Lillian Reynolds?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 21st July, 2008, saw Ram Baran Yadav named as the first president of where … ?
A1) Nepal.
Q2) More to the point, that country is mostly in which mountain range?
Q3) The first successful train robbery in the American Old West took place: on 21st July, 1873.   The gang that committed the robbery was led by whom?
A3) Jesse James.
Q4) The US congress ratified the North Atlantic Treaty on 21st July, 1949.   What organisation did the treaty found?
Q5) The first person to walk on the moon, did so on 21st July, 1969.   Who was he?
Here’s a thought …
“A lot of newspapers say, Terence Stamp is playing himself and we're as bored as he is.”
Terence Stamp, born 22 July 1938.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I think Debbi managed to track it down, Olga: although I might just keep an eye on that link, myself.   Looks like it’s a handy supplement for Amazon.   (And it’s nice to know Dr Who’s accessible over there!   Now … all we need to do is find you a Spanish version of The Prisoner.)

†        THINK you’ve got an supplement to Amazon, there, Debbi: the link to the AbeBooks looks useful.   (Oh … Ben Bova did the novelisation … ?   Mmmm … ).  As for Star Trek … ?   Not that I’m encouraging it, but there’s times outright video piracy’s got some appeal‡!

‡        The video tells us we wouldn’t download a car.   In these days of 3d printing, why not … ?


  1. Q1) Justices
    Q2) Motor race
    Q3) Poland
    Q4) A comet
    Q5) Brainstorm
    Oh, The Prisoner is for sure available, or was, as is another one of the series I remember watching as a child. How easy it would be to get hold off (I don't mind the English version, of course) I am not sure. I'm trying to convince my mother to get a new TV, smart this time, so it might make things easier. (We shall see... Unfortunately, no matter how well connected it is, it won't increase the length of a day or create time...)

  2. Frankly, being able to download a gun is a scary prospect. Assuming, of course, one can get or create the bullets.

    1. Justices
    2. a motor race
    3. Poland
    4. a comet
    5. Brainstorm


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