
Thursday 3 January 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd January 2019

3rd January, 2019.

Right then … 

It is, as I think I mention in the intro, Thursday … !

Which means … well, frankly, I’m going to have to go out for a walk, at some point.

My GP would definitely give me a meaningful look if I don’t!

But, right at the moment … ?

I’m more concerned about Star Trek Discovery’s air date.

Series two hits town on January 17th, of this year.

Rather than the 3rd: which is when I though it was!

At any rate … ?

We have a date for when it starts.

Which means I’ve something to look forward to: and time to catch up with the last series of House of Cards: which is looking good.

At least … the first episode certainly is … !


Hmmm … 

As regulars will tell you … ?

I’m a bit of an Apple fan.

So, waking up, this morning, to news that Apple CEO, Tim Cook, has announced that Apple’s issued a profits warning.

One that Cook blames — in part — on the economic situation: where sales, aided by President Trump’s trade war, is doing damage.

It’s a little worrying.

One thing I do know the reporter highlighted, was an apparently lack of innovation at the company: innovation that Apple’s seen as being good at.

Today’s streaming services?   Are, partly, due to Apple turning iTunes into not just a media player, but a place you could buy songs for your iPod.

The smart phone market?

Got a massive kick up the proverbial when Apple introduced the iPhone.

Apple Pay, and the Apple Watch?

Got the idea of contactless payment introduced to the world.

But I take that reporter’s point.

There were rumours that — at about the time Steve Jobs died in 2011 — Apple weren’t going to release the revamped Apple TV that we see before us: the little app laden streaming box we have, today.

The rumours were that Apple was doing to release a full on smart TV set: at a time when smart TVs were relatively unheard of.

My thinking?

Is that reporter has a point.

Had Jobs survived, we’d’ve seen a genuine Apple smart TV: when they were as rare as rocking horse poo.

That … ?   Would have been innovative … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, and Olga† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and Badwolf on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 3rd January, 1977, saw the incorporation of Apple Computers.   What — at the time — was the only computer it sold?
Q2) 3rd January, 2018, saw analysts inform people of the Meltdown and Spectre virus.   What did they affect: graphics cards, microprocessors or RAM?
Q3) 3rd January, 106 BC, saw the birth of which Roman orator?
Q4) The 49th State of the Union was admitted: on 3rd January, 1959.   Which state was it?
Q5) Finally?   3rd January, 1521, saw the Pope excommunicate whom: Fidel Castro or Martin Luther?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 2nd January, 1492, saw Muhammed 12th hand over Granada: to Ferdinand and Isabella.   Granada is now in which European nation … ?
A1) Spain.
Q2) 2nd January, 1727, saw the birth of Major General James Wolfe.   Wolfe was an instrumental figure during the Seven Years War: and in the British capture of which Canadian city?
A2) Quebec.
Q3) 2nd January, 1968, saw the birth of actor, Cuba Gooding, Jr.   In which film does he play Lawson Russell?
A3) A Murder of Crows.   (If it’s one or two crows, its only attempted murder.)
Q4) 2nd January, 2011, saw the death of actor, Pete Postlethwaite.   His one Oscar nomination was for which film?
A4) In the Name of the Father.   (It’s a fantastic film, one I saw not long after Postlethwaite’s death.)
Q5) Finally … 2nd January, 1969, saw the birth of equestrian, William Fox-Pitt.   His team won silver, in the 2012 London Olympics: at which equestrian event?
A5) Eventing.
Here’s a quote …
“I was 36 when I first met The Beatles, and I was an old man to them. But perceptions have changed. They were on an average 16 years younger than me, so I was a kind of big brother rather than a father.”
George Martin, 3 January 1926 – 8 March 2016.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I think I’ve got all the questions film, @Badwolf!

†        Oh, a parade?   Have fun with that, Olga!   Sounds like it’s going to be a bit of a … um … non-equestrian event!      And, language can be odd: I don’t know about Spanish or Catalan, but LORD … the apostrophe causes havoc.   That’s before we start talking about spieling!   (Pointless trivia for you: Terry Pratchett always said he had Pete Postlethwaite in mind as Sam Vimes, one of his main recurring Discworld characters.)

1 comment:

  1. (1) motherboard Apple1 (2)microprocessors (3)Cicero(4) Alaska (5)Martin Luther


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