
Thursday 4 April 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4th April, 2019

4th April, 2019.

Right … 

You’re possibly aware that I’m something of a Mac fan.

And one who got mildly announced when on of Apple’s own updates for the operating system.

Mostly because of the knock-on effect on iMovie: rendering video that included animated text in about twice the time it should.

Thankfully, and as I mentioned in last night’s post — about Westworld —, Apple have issued updates to both iMovie, and macOS, itself.

That seems to have help.

Or, at least, allow iMovie to work.

We’ll see.


One other thing I know … ?   Is that I’m … mildly concerned.

There’s been one or two incidents of Brexit related … protest? … protests, over the past couple of weeks.

Intimidation of MPs from protestors from both sides.

At least one rooftop protest: at the Eurostar terminal.

Pro-Brexit sabotage of at least two lines … 

And protests on the border … 

And now we have the police warning us about potential violence, and how they’re planning to deal with it.

These are interesting times.

Worryingly … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Debbi And Olga on ten out of ten and Badwolf on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) A well known US film company was opened on 4th April, 1923.   Which film company?
Q2) A group of children — who’d been at the centre of Satanic abuse allegations — returned home: on 4th April, 1991.   Which group of islands were the children from?
Q3) At his impeachment trial, Governor Evan Meecham was convicted: on 4 April, 1988.   Which US state had he been governor of?
Q4) 4th April is the feast day of Saint Isidore of Seville.   He’s the patron saint of what: radio, the internet or television?
Q5) The week commencing 4th April, 1964, saw the top five spots in the US Top Forty occupied by five songs from which band … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Marlon Brando was born on 3rd April.   In which year?
A1) 1924.
Q2) He learnt a lot of his acting craft from which New York based actress?
A2) Stella Adler.
Q3) That actress based much of her teaching on the work of which Russian … ?
A3) Konstantin Stanislavski.
Q4) 1944 saw Marlon appear on Broadway: in a play called I Rememberwho?
A4) I Remember Mama.
Q5) In 1947, Marlon appeared in the stage version of A Streetcar Named Desire.   Who wrote A Streetcar Named Desire?
A5) Tennessee Williams.
Q6) Marlon also appeared in the 1951 film version of A Streetcar Named Desire.   Who directed him in both the film, and stage play?
A6) Elia Kazan.
Q7) Marlon’s first film appearance was in 1950.   In which film?
A7) The Men.
Q8) In which film does Marlon’s character say “You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender”?
A8) On the Waterfront.
Q9) Marlon plays Colonel Kurtz in which Francis Ford Coppola film?
A9) Apocalypse Now.
Q10) Finally … ?   Marlon was due to play Lewis Medlock, in Deliverance.   Who eventually played the character?
A10) Burt Reynolds.
Here’s a thought …
“Luckily I’m not beautiful - otherwise I might have starved.”
Peter Vaughan, 4 April 1923 – 6 December 2016.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Badwolf!   Did you ever see The Godfather?   Good film, that!

†        Actually, Olga: it was about the Yorkshire Ripper.   I still can’t believe the police got so distracted by THAT tape!  At ANY rate, welcome back!   (I’ve got series three pencilled in for after Westworld.   And, yes, you got through twice: I think Google+ closing down is having a knock on effect.) 

‡        Oh, well, in THAT case, Debbi?   I shall call it Fred!   Or possibly Harry …


  1. (1) Warner Bros. Pictures (2)Orkney Islands (3)Arizona (4)internet (5) The Beatles
    Morning , why I, I seen the Godfather

  2. Q1) Warner Bros.
    Q2) The Orkney Islands
    Q3) Arizona
    Q4) The internet (I had no idea!)
    Q5) The Beatles
    Of course, it was! Sorry, I am reading a YA book about a young boy who keeps visiting Hell and he meets all kinds of criminals and he just met Jack the Ripper in the book I'm reading, so my brain made the wrong connection. Yes, Google is having a bit of a tough time. At least now I know who I should pray to if there are internet problems. There are problems there and things are quite interesting here politically as well. Fingers crossed common sense prevails (fat chance but!)

  3. Love it! :)

    1. Warner Bros.
    2. Orkney Islands
    3. Arizona
    4. the Internet
    5. The Beatles


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