
Tuesday 24 September 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th September, 2019.

24th September, 2019.

You know, the weather’s frustrating, isn’t it … ?

I’ve a meeting at the Job Centre, today.

Up at its new offices in Brentwood High Street.

And … ?

Yes, granted: I hate walking up that hill.

I really loathe it … 

When it’s raining.

Which it is today.

When you consider we’ve had one of the warmest Septembers for a while?

The weather picks a fantastic day to … you know … change!


Something I know that’s coming up … ?

Is Christmas.

Regular readers will know about the Family Christmas Present.

That’s happily sorted: with a Chromecast, and a gift voucher.

Then, of course … ?

My sister, Ruth — my nephew, Jude’s, mother — contacted me, last night.

She’s decided to get a Nintendo Switch for my nephew.

And — as I mentioned in this post — suggested I get a game for it … 

I’m not going to call the prices extortionate*.


Not when grabby, exorbitant and daylight robbery are hanging around … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf**, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 24th September 2014, saw the Mars Orbiter Mission arrive at Mars.   Which country’s space agency had launched the Mars Orbiter Mission?
Q2) The first all British team to successfully climb Everest did so: on 24th September of which year … ?
Q3) The world’s first nuclear powered aircraft carrier was launched on 24th September, 1960.   What was the US ship called … ?
Q4) A G20 conference was heard: on 24th September, 2009.   In which US city?
Q5) Finally … ?   Cathay Pacific was founded: on 24th September, 1946.   Where’s the airline based: Hong Kong, Macao or Tibet?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 23rd September is the Roman Catholic Feast day of Zechariah.   He’s the father of which Biblical figure?
A1) John the Baptist.
Q2) 23rd September, 1987, saw Australian courts lift a ban on publication of the book, Spycatcher.   Spycatcher was written by Peter Wright: a former member of what: MI5, MI6, the KGB or GCHQ?
A2) MI5.
Q3) Nintendo was founded on 23rd September, 1889.   Originally to sell the decks of Japanese playing cards cards called Hanafuda.   How many cards are in a Hanafuda deck: 48, 52 to 56?
Q4) The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts opened on 23rd September, 1962.   In which US city?
A4) New York.
Q5) 23rd September, 1215, saw the birth of Kublai Khan.   According to the Coleridge poem, the Khan built a pleasure dome … where?
A5) In Xanadu^.
Here’s a thought …
“The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well.”
Horace Walpole, 24 September 1717 – 2 March 1797.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It’s an old trick.   Sell you a re-useable razor for a quid.   Sell you a pack of refill blades … for £50 a packet …

**        Ooh, I’ll have to look that up, Anne: I should be able to throw it into the sidebar for you.

†        That IS a shame, Olga, CeX and its cousins are handy places.   Assuming you can wipe the the hard drive of what you’re trying to sell!   And, yes, I’ve got an answer.   Now we have to sort out a very expensive nephew … !

‡        You know, I’ve heard Citizen Kane has a fantastic reputation, Debbi!   It’s another one to watch, I know that.   Oh … I caught Bowling for Columbine, last night.   That’s another good watch: there’s room for a sequel.   I did a bit of simplistic adding up, for the post: counting the items on a specific Wikipedia entry.   If I’ve got it right, the UK’s had three mass shootings, since 1987.   The US has had two hundred and fifty-nine … since 2001 ….  (I seem to recall the UK press blamed the Hungerford Massacre on First Blood.   Which is like blaming Columbine on Legally Blonde.)

^        Handily?   It’s one of the few pleasure domes you can sing about … 


  1. India,1975, USS Enterprise,Pittsburgh,Hong Kong.
    Thank you, I'll send you the link when finished, very appreciated
    Friday Im getting talk talk in, so will still do quiz but later

  2. Q1) India
    Q2) 1975
    Q3) USS Enterprise
    Q4) Pittsburgh
    Q5) Hong Kong
    I think Bowling to Columbine was the first of his documentaries I watched in the cinema, although I've watched a few others since. He is a very engaging speaker, as well, although I think he's a bit like marmite, some people like him and some don't, and because he is quite vocal on his documentaries, if you don't like him, even if the message is worth listening too, some people won't.
    Perhaps Games or Cex will have second hand games, but the problem might be if it's a brand new model, because then... Another option is to get him a voucher for some money towards the game, and he can always collect a few and buy whatever he likes...

  3. I like your comparison there! :) What is it with Americans and guns. Sheesh!

    1. India
    2. 1975
    3. USS Enterprise
    4. Pittsburgh
    5. Hong Kong


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