
Friday 11 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11-10-2019: The Gang of Four

11th October, 2019.

right … 

I’m back on the dole: to coin an old phrase.

And I’m also due to have a meeting at Brentwood’s Centre.

It’s a regular thing when you’re on either Universal Credit or Jobseeker’s Allowance: you have to report in one a fortnight.

My only problem?

Is that Brentwood’s Job Centre — which was around the corner from me — is now part of Brentwood’s Town Hall.

Half an hour’s walk away, if you’re my height: half an hour’s walk up Warley Hill.

Old Peculiar regular, Debbi Mack, will remind me Brentwood’s not as hilly as San Francisco.

But from where I’m sitting?

It’s hilly enough … !


Just as a quick thought … ?

You’ll remember we’ve talked about Christmas presents?

Including buying a new Playstation 4?

That’s now paid for: and delivered.

Not long afterwards, though … ?

Sony went and announced the release — next year, thankfully — of the Playstation 5.

Wouldn’t you know it … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The Gang of Four were arrested: on 11th October of which year?
Q2) Name any one of them.
Q3) Which one of the Gang was Mao Zedong’s widow?
Q4) The Gang came to prominence during which Revolution?
Q5) Finally … ?   The Gang’s arrest took place, where: China, Japan or Vietnam?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The Outer Space Treaty came into force on 10th October.   Of which year?
A1) 1967.
Q2) It’s been signed and ratified by how many nations: 109, 111 or 113?
A2) 109.
Q3) The treaty forbids placing what into space: weapons of mass destruction, pollutants or bacteria?
Q4) The United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space was established in which year?
A4) 1959.
Q5) Finally … Space is generally accepted to be above the Kármán Line.   In other words, how far above sea level: 100km, 200km or 300km?
A5) 100km.
Here’s a thought …
“They were active proponents of the Cultural Revolution instigated ten years ago by Chairman Mao.”
From the BBC’s China’s ‘Gang of Four’ arrested article.
A video about the Gang’s eventual trial …

And an article about the Gang from the BBC … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’m glad I can help, Anne!   Oh, The Hellbound Heart turned up.   It’s at the bottom of the book pile, but I might move it upwards!

†        Basically, if you’re adopted, Olga, your adoption papers count as your birth certificate.   At least for the purposes applying for jobs, and proving you’re a UK citizen.   The manager didn’t know that: and it took me a week to dig up the various links that showed this.   There were one or two other things that cropped up, as well, that got me half thinking she didn’t want to hire me in the first place: but didn’t know how to say no.   We live and learn, don’t we?   I know I’m going to be spending a lot of time uploading my CV!   At ANY rate … ?   The appointment went well.   It’s for the CPAP machine.   Turns out I had the straps that hold the mask on, upside down.   Wouldn’t you know it?

‡       It’s always the way, Debbi.   Somethings just don’t cross over.   I know Red DwarfMen Behaving Badly, and Absolutely Fabulous^ stiffed.   I think The Young Ones, the 80s equivalent to Monty Python, did, too.   What can I tell you … ?   (The Young Ones is a bit more slapstick than  Python, I should add.)

^        I think the USA took one look at Joanna Lumley — Britain’s poshest actress — as a foul-mouthed alcoholic, drug abusing, parasitic, enabling, press agent and ran … !


  1. 1976,Zhang Chunqiao,Cultural,Jiang Qing Peking University

  2. Q1) 1976 (It’s a bit odd. In the Wikipedia article mentions the 6th of October, but I’m not sure with all the coming and goings and it being China, that anybody knows exactly…) Here it also mentions the 6th of October…
    And here. Perhaps the BBC article got it wrong…
    Q2) Wang Hongwen
    Q3) Jian Qing
    Q4) The Cultural Revolution
    Q5) China
    I see... Sometimes we get a feeling about a place or a person, but we go with our head... Good luck with the CV. I guess they should have clearer instructions for how to put the mask on. (I find drawings more useful than other instructions, but sometimes they aren't very good...).

  3. Actually, I've seen both Red Dwarf and Absolutely Fabulous on Maryland Public TV. Thought both shows were/are great fun. :)

    1. 1976
    2. Jiang Qing
    3. Jiang Qing
    4. the Cultural Revolution
    5. China


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