
Sunday 13 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-10-2019: Westminster Abbey

13th October, 2019.


It’s a definite.

I’ve accidentally uploaded my usual intro video for today’s post to YouTube.

Which is possibly going to confuse the hell out of my subscriber base.

Talking of my subscriber base?

I’ve had some good news.

I’ve now got one thousand subscribers!

Which means that I qualify for Youtube’s Partner programme, and earn ad revenue from them.

Once I’ve worked out which buttons to press.


Oh, as a an extra thought?

I was in London, yesterday: with my sister, Ruth, my nephew, Jude, and Jude’s friend Jaskaran.

It has to be said, Ruth doesn’t like playing Tag on the Docklands Light Railway.

I think the boys had a good time.

Oh, and we managed to up into Wendy and Hannah — my cousin Dean’s wife and daughter — at their Richardson and Richardson stand.

They’re at Stand 425, if you’re going.

Near the Moon.

Like I say, they’re reasonably priced, do a good Mars … 

And might even tell you about Bertha, if you ask … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The current Westminster Abbey was consecrated on 13th October of which year?
Q2) Strictly speaking?   The Church is the Collegiate Church of Saint whom?
Q3) The Abbey was original built as a monastic church.   For monks who belong to which monastic order: Benedictines, Cistercians or Trappist?
Q4) The Abbey has been the venue for sixteen Royal weddings.   Whose was the most recent?
Q5) Finally?   The Abbey is a Royal Peculiar.   In other words, one run directly by whom: the Queen, the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Director General of the BBC?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The first Octoberfest was held: on 12th October of which year?
A1) 1810.
Q2) It’s held in which German city?
A2) Munich.
Q3) City and festival are in which German state?
A3) Bavaria.
Q4) Its traditionally opened by the Mayor: when he taps — opens — a barrel of what?
A4) Beer.
Q5) Finally … ?   There’s a lot of glass Maß at Octoberfest.  What is a Maß?
A5) A litre sized amount of beer: it’s also the beer mug used to hold it.
Here’s a thought …
“Legend relates that Saberht, the first Christian king of the East Saxons, founded a church on a small island in the River Thames, then known as Thorney but later called the west minster (or monastery), and that this church was miraculously consecrated by St. Peter.”
From the Encyclopædia Britannica entry about the Abbey.
And a song from the Abbey’s Choir School choristers …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Glad to hear it, Anne.   Yesterday went well.   Today … ?   I’m going to have to look at Youtube … !   I’ve got one thousand subscribers … !

†        I was reminiscing a bit, Olga.   Although — thankfully — we never had any singing Germans.   English football fans on the other hand?   Well!   I’m grateful most of the pub quiz venues had back bars: I could shift the quizzes when the big games were on.   As for the glasses … I got the same impression ‘maß’ as a glass, and as the unit, were fairly interchangeable.   (Pointless trivia for you?   You know the glasses are litre sized: which means they hold just under two pints.   Possible less, given the amount of head they seems to like on their beer, in Germany.)

‡        Actually, Debbi, the word Nik Mayall used was junta: the old word for a military dictatorship?   Apparently, it’s the Spanish word for ‘committee,’ according to the Wikipedia entry.   Oh, I’ve been zooming though The Stainless Rat.   I think it’s be right up your street: it seems very noir … 


  1. Q1) 1269
    Q2) Saint Peter at Westminster
    Q3) Benedictines
    Q4) Prince William and Kate (Catherine) Middleton
    Q5) The Queen
    Congratulations on the You Tube subscriptions! I hope it works out well. Your trip to London sounds like fun. We went by the place where they had the Oktoberfest here, in Barcelona, yesterday, and there was a very long queue to get in. As neither my mother nor I like beer, we didn't bother, but the queue had grown even longer by the evening... I wonder if they'd have enough beer for everybody!

  2. 1269,Saint Peter at Westminster, Prince William and Catherine Middleton,the Queen

  3. I've got it on my list. Looking forward to reading it. Eventually! :)

    1. 1269
    2. Peter
    3. Benedictines
    4. Prince William and Catherine Middleton
    5. the Queen


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