
Wednesday 6 May 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6-5-2020: The Tunnel

6th May, 2020.

Yep: that’s an officially official thing!

I’ve got a puzzle.

Puzzle Pyraminx, so you know.

What we would’ve called a Rubik’s Pyramid, many years ago.

It should — in this lock-down-heavy period — give me hours of fun.

Now … 

Did I mention the movie I caught last night … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 6th May saw the Queen, and the President of France, formally open the Channel Tunnel.   In which year of the 1990s?
Q2) Who was that French President?
Q3) The Tunnel goes from Coquelles, near the French city of Calais, to Folkestone.   Folkestone is in which English county?
Q4) What’s the name to the passenger train service that goes through the Tunnel?
Q5) Finally … ?   The French name for the Channel Tunnel is Le tunnel sous what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The first American to travel in space, did so on 5th May of 1961.   Who was he: John Glenn, Neil Armstrong or Alan Shepard?
Q2) Parliament was dissolved on 5th May, 1640: by Charles 1st.   This sitting of the House was called what: the Long Parliament, Short Parliament or the Second Rump Parliament?
A2) The Short Parliament.
Q3) Europe’s first transcontinental railway opened: on 5th May, 1835.   It connected Mechelen … to where: Antwerp, Brussels or Rotterdam?
A3) Brussels.
Q4) Pravda was first published in its native country: on 5th May, 1912.   Was that the USSR, the Russian Empire or China?
A4) The Russian Empire.   The Empire didn’t become the USSR until 1922 … 
Q5) Finally … ?   The General Treaty came into effect: on 5th May, 1955.   It recognised which country: Poland, East Germany or West Germany?
A5) The Federal Republic of Germany, or West Germany.
Here’s a quote …
“The tunnel is the first land link between Britain and Europe since the last Ice Age about 8,000 years ago.”
From the BBC’s online article about the opening.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, blimey, Happy belated birthday Olga^!   Here’s hoping there was cake!   Cheers for the non-spoilers!   (El Ministerio del Tiempo is slightly more frustrating than that pyramid!)

†        I might give that a try, Trevor^: although I’ve not got much of a taste for seafood.   I know I’ve got chilli planned for tonight.   It’s amazing how many cans of chopped tomatoes a body can use … !

‡        Cheers, Debbi^, I’ll pass that on!   Oh, that pyramid I mention, today?   Came with Sturgeon’s Who Goes There?   Oh, and guess what’s playing on Spotify … ?

^        Did I mention I saw The Seventh Seal, last night?   Partly to mark Max von Sydow’s passing, but also because a film about the Black Death seemed appropriate … 


  1. Q1) 1994
    Q2) François Miterrand
    Q3) Kent
    Q4) Eurostar
    Q5) La Manche
    The film, very appropriate, although it's been a long time since I last saw it. Let's say, about el Ministerio, that it picks up right from the brief prequel and... Alonso has had a haircut. And I won't say anything else, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it (ah, and the Ministerio now it's in a wonderful old building where the Radio studios used to be).

  2. A1 1994

    A2 François Mitterrand

    A3 Kent

    A4 Eurostar

    A5 La Manche

    I still own shares in Euro-tunnel. I also own shares in The North Yorkshire Railway.

  3. Wow! The film sounds interesting. Your intro with the pyramid? Smacks nicely of Alfred Hitchcock. You have that dry humour down. Um ... can't imagine why! :) LOL

    1. 1994
    2. François Mitterrand
    3. Kent
    4. Eurotunnel Shuttle
    5. la Manche


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