
Monday 17 January 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-1-202: Call Security … !

17th January, 2022.

Right … 

I’ve officially heard the word of God.

Well … no I haven’t: I’ve actually been talking to my nephew.

Believe it or not … ?

He’s decided, yesterday, that he wants to start a YouTube channel.

Well done him!

Saying that … ?

I think we’re going to have to do a little juggling: as his phones settings mean I have to approve any apps he adds.

And YouTube’s own rules mean he can’t start a channel, until he’s thirteen: that’s a couple of years away.

We’ll have to see what we can do … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        17th January saw the first meeting of the United Nations Security Council.   In which year of the 1940s?

Q2)        The Council has how many permanent members: three, four or five?

Q3)        Name one of those permanent members.

Q4)        The Council has how many non-permanent members: ten, twelve or fifteen?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The council may send in troops.   As what: farmers, an invasion force or peacekeepers?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        16th January, 1932, saw the birth of zoologist, Dian Fossey.   She was famous for studying what: mountain gorillas or lowland gorillas?
A1)        Mountain gorillas.

Q2)        More to the point, who played Fossey in the film, Gorillas in the Mist?
A2)        Sigourney Weaver.

Q3)        She studied gorillas in which African country: Rwanda, Zambia or Zaire?
A3)        Rwanda.

Q4)        Fossey worked with Biruté Galdikas — who studied orang utans —and Jane Goodall. What did Goodall study: chimps, gorillas or lemurs?
A4)        Chimps.

Q5)        Finally?   And sadly?   Fossey was murdered: in which year of the 1980s?
A5)        1985.   (Apparently, her research assistant was convicted of the crime. He has consistently denied it.)
Here’s a thought … 
“The Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.   It has [a number of] Members, and each Member has one vote.   Under the Charter of the United Nations, all Member States are obligated to comply with Council decisions.”
From the UN Security Council’s website.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I know exactly what you mean, Olga.   I’ve caught a few clips from Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-in, just recently.   Dan Rowan’s got a permanent cigarette on the go.   He’s on a par with Lee Brilleaux, the frontman for Dr Feelgood.   The man was like a chimney.
        You know, I’ll have to try and keep an eye peeled for that film: Jason Reitmen, the writer, is the son of Ghostbusters creator, Ivan Reitman.   We’ll have to see how I do with Ghostbusters: Afterlife, first, though!

        Hello, Mum!

        Oh, that he did, Debbi!   By the way … did I ever mention a Dr Feelgood LP called Taking No Prisoners?   I’ve never actually sat down with it: but the cover’s impressive … 


  1. Q1) 1946

    Q2) Five

    Q3) China

    Q4) Ten

    Q5) Peacekeepers
    Yes, I think Jason Reitman is quite talented in his own right. I've only ever watched the original Ghostbusters movie, so I have no comments.
    I hope you can work something out with your nephew. I wonder if you could create a separate joint Youtube Channel, which would allow you both to upload videos, but I've never looked into the rules in much detail. (I was going to suggest TikTok, but I know the videos are very short and I imagine there must be rules as well, although it seems to have a lot of young followers).

  2. 1 1945
    2 5
    3 UK
    4 15
    5 Peacekeepers

  3. Well, it sounds good! :)

    1. 1945
    2. five
    3. the US
    4. ten
    5. peacekeepers

    Peacekeepers? Someone's falling down on the job. :)

    Rowan and Martin's Laugh In? Um ... yeah ... I remember them ...


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