
Monday 10 October 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10-10-2022 — Jose Chung’s From Outer Space

10th October, 2022.

Yep: it’s Monday.

And … ?

I’ve a phone call from a physiotherapist this morning — at 8:50, in case the Teaser’s delayed — and a meeting with my job centre case worker, this afternoon … and I’ve got my nephew, Jude, over, after that.

So … ?

Busy … ?

Yes: and possibly noisy … !


As I write?

As I write, highly civilized human beings are flying over the Ukraine: trying to kill people.

The bombing started around six AM, UK time: and is felt to be in response to the bombing of the bombing of a bridge from Russia to the Crimea.

I can only hope those bombings haven’t killed President Zelenskyy.

That would be one hell of a blow to Ukraine.


Just as a final thought … ?

You’ll remember I’ve recently seen the 2022 version of Hellraiser.

Last night, something struck me as being deep … but could just me reading to much into the text.

At one point?   Riley, the main character, turns around to Pinhead/The Priest, and refuses to have anything more to do with events: says “I’ve done enough.”

To which the Priest replies “Enough is a myth.”

Riley’s a recovering addict, and been through a twelve step programme … and would be very familiar with the old saying read out at meetings: “One’s too many, two’s never enough.”

Something reiterated in many of AA’s publications.

Was that deliberate?   I don’t know.

But, lord … it struck me as subtle.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three!

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The Outer Space Treaty came into force. On 10th October of which year: 1965, 1967 or 1969?

Q2)        Copies were or are kept in the UK, the USSR, and where else: the USA, China or Brazil?

Q3)        Three of the countries who’ve signed the treaty, have sent crewed spaceships into space.   Name one of them.

Q4)        One of those nations puts astronauts into space.   The second sends cosmonauts.   The third sends whom?

Q5)        Space is generally defined as the region beyond Earth’s what: atmosphere, solar system or orbit?

Q6)        Space is not empty.   In other words, it’s a near perfect what: vacuum, diamond or life form?

Q7)        Jose Chung’s ‘From Outer Space’ is an episode of which show: Dr Who, The X-Files or Space: 1999?

Q8)        Telstar was launched into space in 1962.   The song, Telstar, was released by a British band called what: The Tornados, Monsoon or Rory Storm and the Hurricanes?

Q9)        Iain M. Banks’ Culture novels, the Star Wars movies and Flash Gordon serials, are all examples of what: space opera, space operetta or space musicals?

Q10)        Finally … ?   The ISS, Tiangong-1 and Skylab, are or were space … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        During the Seven Year War, 9th October, 1760, saw Russian and Austrian troops occupy where: Berlin, Hamburg or Dusseldorf?
A1)        Berlin.

Q2)        The Cook Islands were annexed by the UK: on 9th October, 1900.   The Islands are an associated state.   Associated with where: Australia, New Zealand or Vanuatu?
A2)        New Zealand.

Q3)        9th October is World Post Day.   Guitarist, Ace Frehley, Snooker player, Terry Griffiths and novelist, Charles Bukowski, have all been what?
A3)        Postmen.   Or mail carriers, as Wikipedia puts it.   (My sister Anna, has also been a postie.)

Q4)        9th October, 19995, saw the death of former PM, Alec Douglas-Home.   He was the last person to serve as British Prime Minister, whilst still a member of what: the House of Lords, the National Liberal Party or the Ku Klux Klan?
A4)        The House of Lords.   (The Home is Sir Alec’s name, is pronounced Hume: to rhyme with fume.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Siege of Sevastopol started: on 9th October, 1854.   During which war: the Crimean War, the Boer War or the First World War?
A5)        The Crimean War.
Here’s a thought … 
“Space can be mapped and crossed and occupied without definable limit; but it can never be conquered.”
Arthur C. Clarke.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Cheers for the corrections, Olga: I’ve updated my spreadsheet.   And blamed my old spectacles.   :D
        Wish Jordi well for me, when you see him!   And have a good day, whether you get here or not.
        As for Hellraiser … ?   I had a bit of a delayed thought … 

        I think the theme will appeal, Debbi!   Oh, there’s another one on the 18th — about a broadcasting icon — and a a third on the 26th.   The Saint’s Day on the 26th might sound familiar … 


  1. Q1) 1967

    Q2) the USA

    Q3) USA

    Q4) I’m not sure how to answer this. From the UK, as they haven’t sent any manned spaceships, the people who have gone into space have gone either in USA ships (astronauts) or Russian (cosmonauts), or European (they call them ESA astronauts as well, I think).

    Q5) Space is generally defined as the region beyond Earth’s what: atmosphere, solar system or orbit? Atmosphere? I keep reading about the Kármán line, but it seems that there is no real agreement and it is a convention. The Kármán line is about 100km from the surface, but atmosphere, also depends on what part of the atmosphere we’re talking about, so...

    Q6) Vacuum

    Q7) The X-Files

    Q8) The Tornados

    Q9) Space opera

    Q10) Stations
    Intriguing thought, but I see where you're coming from. It could well be, although I'm not familiar with the people working on that movie.
    I hope everything goes well today. Jordi is making progress, slowly but surely.

  2. 1 1967
    2 USA
    3 UK
    4 Spaceman
    5 Atmosphere
    6 Vacumn
    7 The XFiles
    8 The Tornados
    9 Space Opera
    10 Space stations

  3. Oh, Lord! Oh, well.

    1. 1967
    2. the USA
    3. the USA
    4. taikonaut
    5. atmosphere
    6. vacuum
    7. The X-Files
    8. The Tornados
    9. space opera
    10. stations

    Well, that was a workout! Whew! :)

  4. I see that the captain of tonight's losing Cambridge team on University Challenge was a Miss Tan from Brentwood.


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