
Monday 24 October 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th October, 2022.

24th October, 2022.

Yes: it’s Monday.

And the two meetings I mentioned, yesterday … ?

Consist of a meeting with my Job Centre case worker: at the Job Centre’s office in Brentwood town hall, at 13:40.

And a diabetic eye check at 10:10 … at a rented office in Brentwood town hall.

One of these days, I’ll get the hang of diary management.


Anyone following British politics will know that Liz Truss has handed in her resignation as party leader, and PM: and that there’s a truncated leadership  election going on.

Knows that one of the candidates was Boris Johnson.

Please notice I said was.

Boris has officially decided to pull out of the race.

Thank heavens for that!


Did anyone see The Power of the Doctor, last night?   Jodie Whittaker’s last episode as the Doctor?

My review — written and video — will be up later.

But … ?

We have a fantastic episode, here: one that’s well worth your time.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Henry Parkes delivered the Tenterfield Oration: on 24th October, 1889.   The speech called for the federation of British colonies, where: Australia, New Zealand or Botswana?

Q2)        The George Washington Bridge was dedicated: on 24th October, 1931.  It between Manhattan and New Jersey, and over which US river?

Q3)        The Emperor Domitian was born: on 24th October, AD51.   He belong to which Roman dynasty: the Flavians, Nerva-Antonines or Severan?

Q4)        24th October, 1561, saw the birth of Anthony Babington.   He led a plot to topple which English monarch: Henry 8th, Elizabeth 1st or James 6th and 1st?

Q5)        Finally … ?   24th October, 1985, saw the birth of football manager, Wayne Rooney.   He’s currently the head coach of which US team: DC United, Inter Miami CF or CF Montréal?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        23rd October is an unofficial holiday called Mole Day.   It’s marked by whom: chemists, physicists or linguists?
A1)        Chemists. It’s marked between 6.02am and 6.02pm on 23rd October, as — in the US dating style — 6.02, 10/23 matches the Avogadro number, 6.02*10²³, the number of particles in one mole of something.
Q2)        Jaydn Su’a was born on 23rd October, 1997.   He plays which version of rugby: league or union?
A2)        League.

Q3)        23rd October, 1972, saw the end of Operation Linebacker.   Operation Linebacker was a US bombing Campaign of where: North Vietnam, South Korea or East Berlin?
A3)        North Vietnam.

Q4)        One country’s Civil War was declared over: on 23rd October, 2011.   Which country’s Civil War: Libya’s, Syria’s or Egypt’s?
A4)        Libya’s.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Sarah Bernhardt was born on 23rd October, 1844.   She was an actress from where: France, Germany or Belgium?
A5)        France.
Here’s a thought … 

“Nice to see your home fans boo you.   That’s what loyal support is.”
Wayne Rooney, born 24th October, 1985.

And a song…

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Yeah that’s right: I think it’s at least four or five floors, Olga, plus the various cinemas and car parks.   I think I know the restaurant you mean, as well: although I’ve never used it.   It sounds like I might want to avoid it, though: big portions aren’t a good idea … !
        Good luck with opera!   And it’s nice to know it’s for a very good cause!
        And Jodie’s last episode … ?   Was very good: there’s some very familiar faces in it!

        Hello, Mum!

        So you officially have crabs, Debbi?   I’m saying nothing … !   🤣
        I’m going to say nothing about David Tennant: as I don’t know if you’ve seen it, yet.   But … ?   I’m going to be smug for weeks!
        I will say this, though: it’s a very good episode, with a lot of familiar faces.   Including Jemma Redgrave returning as Kate Stewart.   As you were asking about the Brigadier.   Actually Nicolas Courtney’s last appearance in the role was in a Sarah Jane Adventures episode called Enemy of the Bane.   I might have to dig up a copy, I’ve not seen it for a while.
        Just as a final thought … ?   Ace and Tegan were in the episode: they’ve still got it.   Literally still got it.   Sophie Aldred still has the jacket … 

^        That’s where mine was, Trevor: just opposite the West Ham shop.   I managed to get lost …


  1. Q1) Australia

    Q2) The Hudson

    Q3) the Flavians

    Q4) Elizabeth 1st

    Q5) DC United (I must confess I had no idea what he was doing now. But then, again, I’m not much of a football fan).
    Yes, the opera was very good and they collected over 4000 euros yesterday evening. The man who organised the even, whose mother died of the illness a few years back, has managed to collect now over 150000 €. He does a lot of things, though, mammoth paellas and other concerts included, but still... (And he was a lorry driver previously, so not in his job description at all).
    I read comments about yesterday’s episode on the forum for medical doctors I read sometimes. And some of the comments were that they had gone over the top and brought all (and old) characters back (even the Daleks, I hear), but there was little justification and not much of a storyline, and that some of the characters had nothing to do but be there. Well, that was their take on it. I guess David Tennant is coming back for three episodes next year, with associates... And Davies coming back to write the episodes as well. I imagine you're excited.
    I hope today's meetings and appointment go without a glitch.

  2. 1 Australia
    2 Hudson
    3 Flavian
    4 Elizabeth 1
    5 DC United

  3. That is so awesome. I can't wait to watch it. Hopefully, soon.

    1. Australia
    2. the Hudson River
    3. the Flavians
    4. Elizabeth I
    5. DC United


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