
Friday 2 December 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2nd December 2022.

2nd December, 2022.

Right … it’s Friday: and … ?

I’m feeling slightly rushed.

I’m too easily distracted by silly games … and by the fact I’m boiling a lot of water: with bleach in it.

Yes: I’m bleaching my teatowels.

It might take a while.

But I’ve got plenty of time before my hygienist’s appointment.


I don’t know what I’ll be going on Sunday, 25th June, 2023.

I know what Elton John’s going to up to.

He’ll be playing his last gig: at Glastonbury.

That … ?   Might be worth watching.

Elton’s got one HELL of a reputation … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga†, Debbi‡ and CatS^ on Mastodon, putting in their answers: with Olga, Debbi and Car scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevorª leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Leipzig University was established: on 2nd December, 1409.   University and town, are where: Switzerland, Germany or Austria?

Q2)        The most recent version of Saint Paul’s Cathedral was consecrated: on 2nd December, 1697.   Who designed it: Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Christopher Wren or Sir Walter Raleigh?

Q3)        LaGuardia opened on 2nd December, 1939.   It’s New York City’s largest what: dock, airport or department store?

Q4)        President James Monroe proclaimed his Monroe Doctrine: on 2nd December, 1823.   It said that the US would be what: neutral in European affairs, promote free trade or fight communism?

Q5)        Finally … ?   2nd December, 2020, saw the UN remove what from the list of the most dangerous drugs: cannabis, heroin or opium?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        1st December is Sovereignty Day in Iceland.   It meant Iceland became an independent nation ruled by the King of where: Denmark, Norway or Sweden?
A1)        Denmark. (The country, technically, was the Kingdom of Iceland.   Iceland is now a republic.)

Q2)        What’s Iceland’s capital city?
A2)        Reykjavík.

Q3)        Iceland is the only member of NATO with no what: standing army, state broadcaster or national phone company?
A3)        Standing army.

Q4)        Iceland’s official language is Icelandic.   Icelandic is descended from what: Old Norse, Ancient Latin or Old High German?
A4)        Old Norse.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Iceland has a pair of national sagas.   Sagas known as the what: Eddas, Vedas or Kalevalas?
A5)        Eddas.
Here’s a thought … 
“Producing is like pushing jello up a hill on a hot day.”
Lucy Liu, born December 2, 1968.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!   (The Vedas are Indian, Mum.)

        Nice to have you in, Olga!   (Oh, I mentioned it, yesterday: but Amazon do saltires.   Just in case anyone at the station gets a sore throat!)

        Mum’s visited the place, Debbi: with my sisters.   They missed the Northern Lights, as it was too cloudy.   But, apparently?   It’s beautiful, has eight branches of KFC … and no McDonald’s.

^        Thanks for joining us, Cat: and well gone on the score.   I’ll toot today’s answers at you, later!

ª        It’s a shame to didn’t get a chance to look around, Trevor: the place is supposed to be gorgeous.


  1. Q1) Germany

    Q2) Sir Christopher Wren

    Q3) airport

    Q4) neutral in European affairs

    Q5) cannabis
    I'll have to investigate the saltires because sometimes these days things that are available in one of the stores aren't available in another. And the prices can be ridiculously different. I was trying to get a product for cleaning leather we had bought before (it is from the UK, although I bought it once I was here already), and it seemed impossible to get hold of through Amazon. You could order it from the company but the charges for sending it made it far too expensive to use. I've found cheaper stuff here, but I quite liked it... I have to cover the anniversary of a Cultural Centre. It sounds good, but it will be a bit long, and yesterday I wasn't feeling too great when I came back from seeing my friend, so I'll see if I can manage the whole thing or not. I'll try and make them talk.
    We have two bank holidays next week, Tuesday and Thursday, so I am not sure what we'll do about editing the piece either, because on Monday and Wednesday there are too many people at the station and not enough computers free. I might have to leave it with the editor of the programme for him to sort.

  2. I could get used to that! :)

    The McDonald's in Palermo was crowded on a Saturday night. Like a nightclub. :)

    1. Germany
    2. Sir Christopher Wren
    3. airport
    4. neutral in European affairs
    5. cannabis

  3. 1 Germany
    2 Christopher Wren
    3 Airport
    4 promote free trade
    5 Cannabis


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